Centre#1234, Candidate#00 1 New website for The Relaxing Holiday Company
Centre#1234, Candidate#00 2 Features of this website It is not finished Stylesheets have been used Which styles do you require?
Centre#1234, Candidate#00 3 Background Background colour can be added to stylesheets Background images can be added to stylesheets
Centre#1234, Candidate#00 4 Stylesheet JXstyle1.css The background image in JXstyle1.css does not work because: –Because image name is spelled wrong in it. The html code to make the background colour show is: –#025fb4 The text for h1 and h2 is not white and h3 is not yellow because: –Because we used fuchsia color to h1, h2 & h3
Centre#1234, Candidate#00 5 Spacing The cell spacing has changed between JXstyle1.css and JXstyle2.css Cell padding is: –padding: 0.1em Cell spacing is: –spacing 0.1em