College Access Foundation Convening October 15 th 2014 October 15, 2014
Welcome Which institutions are here? Introductions
Group Discussion What does college readiness mean in the context of financial advising? How is your school or organization working to improve this aspect of college readiness? College Readiness
Developing a Framework Key touch points on college preparation trajectory The role of financial aid awareness “Best practices” in college readiness efforts Reviewing the Literature
Developing a Framework Aspirations College Knowledge Academic Preparation Financial Preparation Key Touch Points
Developing a Framework Embed financial aid advising in broader college readiness efforts Information alone is not enough Parental involvement and education is critical Key Findings From the Literature
Developing a Framework Intervene at multiple mileposts along a student’s trajectory Tuition assistance is necessary but not sufficient School culture and climate make a difference Key Findings From the Literature
Applying the Framework to Practice Document effective FAFSA/Cal Grant completion strategies Understand how strategies are integrated into current school operations Three Mini Case Studies: Objectives
Applying the Framework to Practice ISIC College OPTIONS Stanislaus County Office of Education Three Mini Case Studies
Applying the Framework to Practice Incorporate financial aid into larger college readiness efforts Provide direct assistance Embed financial aid education into the curriculum Case Study Findings
Applying the Framework to Practice Reaching parents is important but challenging Leverage key partners Incentives can have mixed results Data is critical Case Study Findings
Applying the Framework to Practice What has been the most important component of your college readiness and financial advising efforts? What was an unexpected challenge you faced? What has helped you to build buy in for your efforts? A Conversation with Practitioners
Integrating Financial Aid with LCAP Goal Statements Students Go to School Students Go onto College and Career Opportunities that prepare students for college and career Resources and support to recognize opportunities Possible Metrics: Graduation rate A-G requirements AP passage rates EAP Possible Metrics: FAFSA completion College counseling by 9 th grade
Local Control Funding Formula Grade Level Demographics (Low income, English learner, and/or foster youth) ADJUSTMENTS $
Integrating Financial Aid with LCAP Telling Your Story 1.Construct a theory of change or action 2.Identify data to assess this theory of action 3.Share and discuss 29 Students Go to School Students Go Onto College and Career ?? Metrics
Integrating Financial Aid with LCAP What was one highlight from your discussion? Report Out
Integrating Financial Aid with LCAP Introduce metrics to recognize financial readiness Student voice Connection between Site level plans and LCAPs Lighthouse examples White Paper
Final Reflection and Action Steps Write down three things you will do based on what you learned today. What were some of the things you wrote down? What would help you take action? Bringing it Home Bright Ideas
Thank you.