A Novel System for High- Temperature Curvature Measurements of T-MEMS Amy Kumpel Richard Lathrop John Slanina Haruna Tada Introducing MACS 30 July 1999 Tufts University TAMPL REU FINAL PRESENTATION
Overview T-MEMS Background The MACS system Experimental Procedure Theory Imaging Results –Curvature and Deflection Material Properties –Analytical Model and Results Conclusion and Future Work
Background: Composition Tri-layered cantilever beams 1.03 m SiO 2, 0.54 m poly-Si 0.19 m SiO 2 (thin, protective coat) 0.19 m SiO m SiO m poly-Si Si substrate SiO 2 poly-Si
Imaging System image of beam on camera II. Apparent Beam Length, l beam reflection from curved beam substrate beam I. well
CCD camera collimated light source beam splitter Al reflector quartz plate W-halogen lamp and housing sample thermocouple Si wafer quartz rod Experimental Setup
Experimental Procedure Center sample to CCD camera Heat to ~850°C using tungsten-halogen lamp then gradually cool to room temperature –LabVIEW program records temperature vs. time data Save grayscale images every 20 to 30 seconds during the trial –LabVIEW program determines l beam from grayscale values of each image Calculate beam curvature, K, at each temperature
Theory: Beam Curvature CC R l beam CC C A B h C Strategy Find room-temperature R from initial h and L arc Find C from room- temperature R and l beam Solve for R at all other temperatures from C and values of l beam
Theory: Beam Curvature CC R l beam CC C A B h (1) h = R - R cos = R ( 1 - cos ) (2) h = R ( 1 - cos ) R L arc (3) L arc R = (4) l beam = R sin C = sin C K C
Mismatched curvature data –due to incident light angle, Experimental Correction –Perform two trials, using different sample orientation –Adjust numerical program to compensate for –Find so that curvature data matches for the two trials Theory: The Angle c l beam T T
Imaging Results: Beam Curvature (K) and Deflection (h) at High Temperatures
Analytical Model () f T i dT T T 0 thermal i thermal strain: n i t i E t i1 2 2 i i1 i E i t neutral plane ( ): n n i ii i ii n i n j jj n j thermal jjj i i ii ttt tt tE tE tE t E K Townsend (1987)
Material Properties: Determining (T) K = f(,,, ) Low temperature (50°C to 300°C) –Find through linear extrapolation –Assume constant, exhibiting glass- like behavior High temperature (300°C to 1000°C) –Assume –Find through linear extrapolation
Material Properties: Linear Approximation of (T) 300 50 Analyze different ranges of data Average the value for each range Extrapolate through temperature range Temp (°C)
Material Properties: (T) Values from 50°C to 1000°C Poly-Si SiO 2
Conclusion and Future Work Modified MACS for increased accuracy Found values for (T) of thin films Created a website Wrote and submitted paper to: Measurement and Science Technology Modify MACS for nitride beam analysis Verify values of (T) for SiO 2 at high temperatures Obtain (T) values for SiN x
Group T-MEMS Thank You