Cooperation with the European Environmental Agency - the Way Forward Svetlana Gjorgjeva, Macedonian NFP/EEA Lisbon, November 2009
STATUS OF COOPERATION Initiated in 1997 NFP-Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Established cooperation with ETCs Air and Climate Change, Water, Biological diversity, Resource and Waste Management, Land Use and Spatial Information, ITTAG Participation in regular EEA meetings, workshops and events (MB-Top Executives; NFP/EIONET; topic annual workshops)
ACTIVITIES WITH EEA State of Environment and outlook Report Contributed data to Kiev Third Assessment Report and Belgrade Fourth Assessment Development of Indicator Based reporting
How have we arrived here? Phare and Cards Programs: –Development EIONET network of organizations and participation of the NRC –Building up a regular reporting –Emerald network – Natura 2000 –CORINE Land Cover 2000 and 2006 –CORINE Air Methodology –Development of national Core Set of indicators 6
How have we arrived here? Phare and Cards Programs: –Legal framework –Institutional capacity building –Strategies for: Monitoring Data management Environmental communication Public awareness Waste management Biodiversity 7
Twinning Projects positive experience CARDS – Twinning project “Air quality improvement” Approximation of the national legislation on air quality Improvement of the capacity to carry out regular emission inventory work Establishment of preliminary air quality assessment Improvement of the ambient air monitoring system Introducing the dispersion modelling as a new method for air quality assessment Technical support Supply for Air Quality Monitoring Stations, Calibration Laboratory, Chemical Laboratory and Mobile Emission Laboratory 8 IPA – Twining project Strengthening the central and local level capacities for environmental management in the area of air quality Harmonization of the secondary legislation for air quality and emissions Preparation of Action plan to improve administrative capacities for air quality Improvement of the forecasting capabilities and data management Preparation and approval of regional-scale dispersion model Establishment of efficient National environmental information system for air quality Technical support Supply of meteorological and air quality stations, software for air quality data management
Shortcomings Insufficiently adequate databases to fulfil wider needs and requirements. Insufficiently compatible information system – lack of proper criteria and standards for the design of the information systems and insufficiently reliable data management methods with lack of coordination Absence of proper monitoring networks in specific areas (ground water, soil, noise, waste) Weak points in reporting cycle – need for agreed format and standard for submitting environmental data to the NEIS from the data collectors
What should we do? Improved operation of national network and strengthened NFP position within the country Development of monitoring programs and networks Further development of National Core set of Indicators and improved reporting performance Full involvement and delivery of required data and information for the relevant EEA reports
How IPA can help us? Further development of monitoring networks (especially in ground water and soil) Further work on legal and technical standards and capacity building Development and implementation of a common architecture and tools for reporting Development of web applicative solutions that will integrate the central database with digital vector GIS data
What we expect from EEA? To include the Republic of Macedonia, together with other West Balkan Countries in all its reports To provide technical assistance trough guideline and response to our specific needs to support our regular participation in its work To organize targeted country visits and workshops preferably managed by ETCs
13 Thank you Hand work from Macedonia