PAMS XXVII Syndicate Presentation Syndicate 5 5 Sep 03
Syndicate 5 How to Orchestrate All of Our Efforts in the Asia- Pacific Region for the Peace and Stability?
Syndicate 5 Member List COL YOON ROK Syndicate Leader LTC KHAREL Nepal Assistant Leader MAJ KHAIRUL BruneiDelegate BG PETRAS CanadaDelegate MAJ WANG ChinaDelegate COM BAINIMARAMA Fiji Delegate MG SHAH PakistanDelegate LTC DE LEON PhilippinesDelegate LTC TEO SingaporeDelegate COL BOUCHARDUSADelegate S/COL HA Vietnam Delegate COL DAO Vietnam Delegate
Syndicate 5 Member List MAJ MOORTGATBelgiumObserver COL CASTANEDA ColombiaObserver BG NTASSIS GreeceObserver COL PIAGNANI Italy Observer COL PARK ROK Observer LTC REINIG Luxembourg Observer COL KNOL Netherlands Observer MG BRUN Norway Observer COL JACOBS South Africa Observer MG FRISK Sweden Observer BG SAVAS Turkey Observer Dr. MCNAUGHTON USA Observer MAJ JUNGROKSyndicate Recorder MAJ HO SingaporeSyndicate Recorder
Syndicate 5 Member List Breakdown By Rank : –GENERALs : 7 –COLONELs: 9 –LT-COLONELs: 4 –MAJORs: 5 –CIVILIANS: 1 –TOTAL: 26 Breakdown By Continents : ASIA: 12 S.N.AMERICA: 4 EUROPE: 8 AFRICA: 1 OCEANIA: 1 TOTAL: 26 “Fostering the Spirit of Multinational Forces” Friendship, Ownership, Leadership
Overview Topic I : Defining the Operating Environment for Armies in the New Millennium –Defining the Concept of Transnational Threats –Measures to Deal with Transnational Threats Topic II : Defining the Emerging Roles for Armies in the New Millennium –Emerging Roles for Armies –Case-Study of Emerging Role of Army Topic III : Employing Regional Cooperation to Address Common Security Challenges –Existing Effective Regional Models –Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) –PACC and PAMS : Evaluation and Measures Summary & Conclusion
Topic I : Defining the Operating Environment for Armies in the New Millennium Functional Definition of Transnational Threats –Sources of Threats Level of Analysis : National, Transnatonal, Inter’al Actor : State, Non-state, and State-sponsored Actor –Impacts of Threats Scope : Trans National Boundary Duration : Long-term –Characteristics Mostly Unprecedented and Uncertain Threats Easy to Spill-over Mostly Illegal
Topic I : Defining the Operating Environment for Armies in the New Millennium Examples of Transnational Threats –Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) –Terrorism –Extremism Based on the Belief or Identity –Communicable Disease –Environmental Degradation –Illegal Criminal Activities Piracy, Smuggling, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Mass Immigration, Human Abuse Cyber Crime
How Can the Regional Armies Cope with These Transnational Threats –Intra-national Level Lead Role and Support Role –Inter-national Level Form Consensus Common Understanding Cooperative Measures Topic I : Defining the Operating Environment for Armies in the New Millennium
Topic II : Defining the Emerging Roles for Armies in the New Millennium Why the Roles for Armies Should Be Changed? –Diverse threats Traditional threats : Freedom from Violence Non-Traditional Threats : Freedom from Wants Transnational Threats : Freedom from Fear –Increasing Demand and Requirement of the Society Operations Other Than War (OOTW )
Results of Case-Studies of Army’s Emerging Role –Roles Unchangeable Mission : Defense from Outside and Inside Homeland Defence against Non-traditional Threats International Roles : PKO, MNF OOTW ·Complementary Functions : Construction ·Environmental Role ·Educational Function : Developing Countries –Overlap with Other Social Functions : Police –Budget Constraints –Transforming the Army Topic II : Defining the emerging roles for Armies in the new Millennium
Army’s New Capabilities –Become Smaller, but More Mission Capabilities –Shifting Balance between Active and Reserve Component –Constant Use of Reservists –Power Projection Capabilities –Agility, Flexibility, and Adaptability –Homeland Security Invest in Training and Education for the Future Topic II : Defining the emerging roles for Armies in the new Millennium
Topic III :Employing Regional Cooperation to Address Common Security Challenges What are Some of the Existing Effective Models in the Region? –ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum) Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) Spill-over Effect Preventive Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution –Apply the Experience of OSCE to the ARF Collective vs. Co-operative Security System
How Can We Establish Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) ? –Intention ·Common Perception of the Security ·Mutual Understanding and Trust ·Exchange of Military Personnel and Information ·Willingness of Cooperation ·Feelings of Equal –Capabilities ·Multinational Army Exercises ·Transparency through Verification Topic III :Employing Regional Cooperation to Address Common Security Challenges
PAMS & PACC - Evaluation of PAMS & PACC : Contribute to Fostering Peace and Stability in the Region - Essential Elements of Success : Achievement Mutual Understanding Diverse Measures for CBMs Accumulation of Experience and Utilizing Lessons Learned Consensus of Interest Selection of PAMS Delegates : Mid Level to High Level Inclusion of All Countries in the Region Formation of Personal Relationships Multilateral Approach to Issues Concerned Topic III :Employing Regional Cooperation to Address Common Security Challenges
Summary & Conclusion The Efforts to Orchestrate Our Regional Armies Activities for Peace Should Be Increased. PACC/PAMS Plays a Key Role in Fostering Understanding amongst Regional Armies and Thereby Building up the Confidence Level in the Region.