CGC1D Ms. Hyndman
Defined as: Day-to-day characteristics such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed/direction, cloud cover and air pressure example:W EATHER F ORECAST - Ottawa, Ontario Current Weather Updated: Sunday, October 25, 2009, 14:00 EDT 11 °C a few clouds Wind: W 22km/h Wind gusts: 35km/h Sunrise: 7:32 Sunset: 18:00 Relative Humiditiy: 50% Pressure: kPa Visibility: 32.0 km Ceiling: unlimited
Defined as: The weather conditions of a place averaged over a long period of time example: CLIMATE - Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa has a semi-continental climate, with a warm, humid summer and a very cold winter Winters in Ottawa are severe Ottawa, like other cities in Ontario, enjoys a sunny climate
L.O.W.E.R.N. Latitude Ocean Currents Wind and Air Pressure Elevation Relief Near Water
Moderating effect of Water Ocean Currents Air Masses