Assessment Look at the extended logbook exemplar
Reference Interview 1.1 Why do they want the information & what do they already have E.g.s What would you need to know if the client wanted info on: –Flights to Spain –Building grants –Andy Goldsworthy or Jimmy Carr
Body Language See handout on Moodle Exercise: In twos one partner to tell the other about their hobbies/interests
Open & Closed Questions Open –Why? –What? –How? Closed –When? –How many? –Is? –How much? –Does/Do?
Related Terms In groups of 2 or more write down related terms for the following searches: –Environment –Home Front –Polar Exploration –Romans –Politics –Sport
Personalisation Not Just Google Personalisation search based on Location Device Past search history Past browsing activity Activity in other areas eg video, blogs, images Interactions with others in your network What to do about it..
Private browsing Chrome – incognito window Ctrl+shift+N Firefox - Ctrl+shift+P Internet Explorer Ctrl+shift+P Opera - Ctrl+shift+N This is built into the browser
Portals & Subject Gateways NamePurposeWeb Address ATHENSPortalwww.athensams.net/ myathens Information Literacy Finding, evaluating and using a range of resources ourse/view.php?id=882 Leeds University Subject Gateways bject-gateways
Portals & Subject Gateways British Library – Social Sciences Pinakes Engineering, Maths, Computing EEVL Library and Information Science BUBL Health and Life Sciences BIOME And many more..
Evaluation of Results –Expertise and reputation –Lack of bias –Opposing views –Equal emphasis –Accuracy –Currency Establishing currency – direct/indirect
Measuring Success –Sufficiency –Format –Language
Structuring & Saving Results –Ordering results (depends on nature of enquiry) –Bibliographic references - standardised –Archiving searches –Frequently asked questions –Updating data