LOBACHEVSKY STATE UNIVERSITY OF NIZHNI NOVGOROD: presentation Vladimir Blonin dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Nina Ivashinenko Head of the Department of Economic Sociology Glasgow, 08/11/2013
N. Novgorod and rural areas Moscow St-Petersburg Saratov Kazan Novgorod Perm Kirov Places for fieldwork:
The Department of Social Sciences was founded in 1996 on the basis of the Department of History, Social Sciences and Foreign Relations. Some lecturers and professors of the Department were awarded Nizhniy Novgorod Prize for the foundation of the Department and training professionals for Nizhniy Novgorod region. The Department trains professionals in the following fields: Sociology (full-time form of training) Social work (full -time and distance forms) Management in social sphere (distance form) Psychology (full -time and distance forms) Philosophy (master course) FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES
Center of Development of Basic Concepts and Contents of Humanitarian Education Laboratories: UNN-ISEPN RAN joint Laboratory for Study the population's quality of life New Information Technologies Sociological Research Training Laboratory of Psychology language laboratory with facilities to develop students' language skills FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES
Academic structures: The Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population at the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISESP RAS) The Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies “Choices of Russian Modernisation” coordinated by the Aleksanteri Institute of University of Helsinki UCRS Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies RCEES University of Glasgow (UK) Plovdiv University (Bulgaria) Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania) Partner universities network for socio-economic transformation research (Kazan, Saratov, St- Petersburg, Volgograd, Perm) FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH PARTNERS
Economic and Social Transformation Political transformation Inequalities, identities and social change Social security History and Memory Migration and Diaspora Democracy Human rights Delinquent behaviour: crime and drugs RESEARCH CLUSTERS:
Welfare regime in Russia: social security and poverty (since 1987) Socio-cultural identity in the post-Soviet society: trends and socio-cultural choice (since 1992) National Memory and Russian Educational Policy Migrants from CIS in Russian Federation Corporate Social Responsibility in CIS Gender studies Rural studies (since 1989) Civil society in Russia and the CIS countries Socio-technological networks in urban life Networks of exchange of resources between regional center and smaller towns ONGOING RESEARCH PROGRAMMES:
European Neighbourhood Policy Law and Good Governance Child welfare and foster care in Russia (with Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies “Choices of Russian Modernisation” coordinated by the Aleksanteri Institute of University of Helsinki) Welfare reform in Russia: the role of NGOs and local activities in improving social security (with Queen Mary, University of London) The role of local authorities and small firms in contribution to economic and social development in Russian regions (Uppsala, Centre for Russian Studies) Mediation in urban conflicts Religious mediation in local and global conflicts Students with migrant's background in schools Well-being of young family: comparative research. CURRENT PROJECTS:
UNN library and computer system Archive of N.Novgorod region Meeting with experts Assistance in organising fieldwork Personal consultation Visa support Language related issues Student services
Rector’s Office 23 Prospekt Gagarina, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia Tel.(+7 831) Fax (+7 831) International Relations Office Tel.(+7 831) Fax (+7 831) International Admissions Faculty for International Students Tel./fax (+7 831)
Faculty of Social Sciences Tel./Fax Nina Ivashinenko Welcome to Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod National Research University