You Are Not Alone Everyone has been bullied in their lifetime. How a person deals with the first bullying incident can determine whether or not they are continually bullied. Sometimes the bullying continues not matter what you do. The bully likes the power they feel while bullying. Not only has everyone been bullied, but everyone has played the part of bully one time or another. (Sometimes unintentionally.)
Definition of a Bully A bully is... –N. a person who teases, frightens, threatens, or hurts others who are not as strong as he is –V. to frighten (into doing something) by noisy talk or threats –V. to be a bully toward –V. to be a bully; be overbearing
Bullying results in a wide-range of emotions – from anger to fear Bullying can occur in many forms: Rumors, threats, being left-out, destruction of property, violence, notes, text messages, phone calls, s Any time you cut in line, cheat on a test, use someone else’s work as your own, steal, etc. you are saying that what you want is more important than another person’s rights. That is a type of bullying. Most of us have been a bully at one time. Many of us have also been bullied by another.
Bullies come in all shapes and forms. They are pretty, handsome, plain, acne-ridden, pimple-free, tall, short, old, young, smart, academically challenged, and so on. Bullies can have tough home lives or they can have very normal parents. Bullies choose to act the way they do for many reasons. Usually they are insecure with who they are. Sometimes they want attention. Sometimes they are angry and want to lash out at someone.
Examples of Bullying Calling someone a name that they do not like. Cutting in line Making up mean lies about others Laughing at someone because they are different Verbal insults
More examples Persuading another person to insult or abuse Spreading malicious rumours Excluding someone Physically striking, kicking, spitting, etc.
Group Bullies Bullies look for those weaker than themselves to bully. –When they wish to attack someone stronger than they are, they employ a group of people to help them. –The group (or posse) gives the bully the confidence to attack the victim. –They need their “posse” for support. As soon as the posse is gone, they lose their nerve.
Group Bullying If you don’t stop bullies, you are a bully supporter.
What really works? It doesn’t work to fight them. It makes it worse. Never give in to the demands of a bully. A group of friends telling them to stop is a great idea, but it doesn’t work with a true bully. Don’t give up. This will not last forever. Tell an adult. Support the victim. Show them you care. Remember, you are not alone.
Cyber-Bullying Cyberbullying is the use of Information Communications Technology (ICT), particularly mobile phones and the internet, deliberately to upset someone else. Some cyberbullying activities could be criminal offences under a range of different laws.
OOPS! Some instances of cyberbullying are known to be unintentional. It can be the result of not thinking (something sent as a joke may be deeply upsetting or offensive to the recipient) or a lack of awareness of the consequences – for example saying something negative online about another pupil, or friend that they don’t expect to be forwarded or viewed outside their immediate group.
Responding to Cyber-bullying –Don’t respond to the message. –Report the incidents. It is the right thing to do. –What personal information do you have out there? Remove it. –Save all messages. Take screen capture shots. Note web addresses of cyberbullying. This is evidence. –Keep it from hapeening again by changing contact details, blocking contacts or leaving a chatroom.
How do you stop a bully? Tell an adult. Your principals, counselors, teachers and parents care about you and your classmates. Be a hero. Confront the bully on behalf of a friend. “Stop. That’s mean.”
Surround yourself with friends. Don’t let one bully ruin a good day. Remember that they are one and you and your friends are many.
Avoid being the victim Be confident. Bullies don’t like people who are not afraid. Take away their power by refusing to let them get you down. Smile at the bully and be super nice. This drives them crazy.
You Have A Choice To Make Everyone makes mistakes and bad choices. We have to decide whether we are going to make good or bad choices. One bad choice does not have to define who you are. Decide NOT TO BULLY from now on.
Books To Read Strong, Beautiful Girls series. Teens at Risk by Christine Watkins Check these out at the library or talk to Mrs. Gehlman for some more book ideas.
Are you going to help us stop the madness?