U.S. IOOS 2014 Annual Report to the IOOC Carl Gouldman, NOAA Representative January 26,
Introduction & Background Discussed the ICOOS Act-required annual report at September IOOC meeting Received input on the utility of past report format and content Agreed that a new structure may be: –More useful to IOOC if it can better track IOOS implementation progress against higher level requirements documents –Less time intensive to develop 2
Objective & Process Map 2014 US IOOS accomplishments to requirements drivers Drivers include: –ICOOS Act –Framework for Ocean Observing –GOOS PICO Report –NOP Implementation Plan Appendix –IOOS Summit Recommendations –IOOS Program Annual Guidance Memo and Activities Develop table of accomplishments through requested input from agencies and regions Analyze accomplishments against requirements Identify gaps and suggest next FY priorities from drivers 3
Requirements Drivers Reviewed 4
FY2014 Accomplishment Sources IOOC: NOP action reports Task Team accomplishments Summit recommendation tracker Bi-monthly meeting content IOOS Program Office: NOP action reports IOOS Milestones in the NOS Annual Operating Plan FY2014 IOOS Program Office Gantt Charts 5
IOOS Program Annual Planning Cycle For FY Draft IOOS Annual Guidance Memo Executive Calendar Division Gantts and Final Joint Plans Director and Division Chiefs Review Draft AGM Division Review and Planning Key Documents: Draft IOOS AGM Division Plans Requirements Marketplace Prior Year Accomplishments Workload and Budget Analysis Initial Risk Identification Final Draft AGM Review Final AGM Director Review and FY15 Planning Guidance Strategic Document Review Key Documents: National Ocean Policy NOAA Strategic Plan NOS Strategic Plan NOAA AGM ICOOS Act IOOS Strategic Plan IOOS Blueprint FY14 IOOS AGM Coastal Intel White Paper NOS draft road map Director Review 2-Digit Gantt Milestones (tent) Budget Execution Plan Division Level Detailed Planning FY15 Final Gantt Approval Annual Planning Meeting 3-21 Mar Mar - 1 Apr Apr Apr Apr - 14 May May May – 2 Jun 14 3 Jun – 21 Aug Aug Aug -10 Sep 14 7 Oct Oct 14 Share coordination copies with: IOOC Co-chairs RA Exec Directors Foundation 4 Leadership 18 Apr – 14 May 14 Risks to RMT 8-31 Oct 14 Joint Planning Mid-Year Assessment and Proposed Priorities Joint Planning Planning Teams Form and Create Draft Plans 4- 5 Mar 14 6 Mar – 1 May 14 Joint Planning End of Year Assessment 7 Oct 14 6
Results U.S. IOOS made significant accomplishments in FY2014 Identified over 250 distinct accomplishments toward meeting U.S. IOOS mandates and requirements in FY2014 Sustained existing observing capability Supported IOOC Task Teams; address community challenges Advanced DMAC: All 11 RAs serve data in common format Enhanced data discovery tools Integrated biological data project Established ATN data management Published Regional certification final rule Met ICOOS Act and National Ocean Policy requirements 7
Improving Access to Federal Biological Data 8 Collect Publish/Preserve Access Products DMAC-based process Best Practices / Data Standards Metadata Terminology Web Services Tools Data Sources: Federal Academic State NGO Data Sources: Federal Academic State NGO Data Include - Species (or taxon) presence absence abundance Data Include - Species (or taxon) presence absence abundance Safe Ocean Operations Healthy Oceans Sustainable Use Hazard Protection Economic Support Safe Ocean Operations Healthy Oceans Sustainable Use Hazard Protection Economic Support
Results (cont.) We made progress on meeting Summit recommendations 25 High-level Summit Recommendations 86 sub-recommendations 3 of 86 sub-recommendations completed 44 of 86 sub-recommendations in progress IOOC 9 Summit Priority Recommendations 42 Priority sub-recommendations 28 of the 42 sub-recs are in progress Analysis behind the numbers 9
Summit Recommendations Full spreadsheet is included in your meeting materials 9
Summit Recommendations: Progress and Gaps 11 Pending Complete
12 IOOS Program Office Recommendations Focus on priority Summit recommendation gaps Use online Summit tracker for IOOC and refine sharing with the IOOS community Priority Projects for FY15-FY16: –Coordinated glider network –Completed modeling strategy –Ongoing Task Team work BIO TT, Modeling, ATN –Public Private Partnership discussion with IOOS AC
Forward Look at FY2015 IOOS Program Office Over-Arching Priorities –Advocate to sustain and grow observing systems –DMAC and Modeling Progress –Marine Sensor Innovation –Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (BON) –Advancing the Animal Telemetry Network –Ocean Enterprise Study –Certification –FY16 Federal Funding Opportunity –Federal Engagement: Interagency Ocean Observation Committee –Communicating IOOS successes on the Hill 13
Ongoing and Emerging Interagency Projects Engage in ACT Nutrient Sensor Challenge –Support Summit Rec #13, 19 Support Marine BON interagency projects –Supports Summit Rec #19 Coordinate on ocean technology transfer –Supports Summit Rec #13, 19 DMAC Development –Supports Summit Rec #22, 23, 24 14
Feedback: How did this report work? How could we better evaluate the status and progress made to the observing systems? How could we better evaluate improvements in integration (the I in IOOS)? Discussion? 15
Back-Up 16
U.S. IOOS ® : Program Office IOOS Office Primary Roles: (1)Provide Programmatic Leadership (2) Foster Operational Capability (3) Forge Robust Partnerships (4) Champion Regional and Stakeholder Interests 17 New five year cycle: FY16 – FY20
Staffing and Leadership Update New Deputy Director as of June 1, 2014 (Gouldman) Hired George Jungbluth as RB&P Division Chief starting Dec. 1, Hired Derrick Snowden as OPS-C Division Chief starting January 11, Nancy Seeger is new COMMS POC Torie Ketcham is our part-time web developer Hiring Contract ‘Data Scientist’ February 2015 Next 6 months, we will hire 1-2 Oceanographers in the Operations and Communications Division 18
U.S. IOOS Partner Reported Observing System Assets 19
Marine Sensor Innovation 20 Sensor Evaluation Coastal Modeling Test bed Ocean Technology Transition
A third-party testbed for evaluating technologies P H Sensors (2013/2014) – 7 DO Sensors II (2014/2015) – 10 Nutrient Sensor Challenge (2015/2016) A forum for capacity and consensus building An information clearinghouse for environmental technologies ACT Services Alliance for Coastal Technologies 21
US IOOS Coastal & Ocean Modeling Testbed Venue to facilitate testing and transitions into operations. Improving ties to different NOAA and partner Agency modeling efforts. 5 projects; Hypoxia in Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake Bay, Inundation in PR/USVI, West Coast Operational Forecast System, CI tools for comparing models/data 22
Ocean Technology Transition – FY14 NERACOOS;WetLabs: State-of-the-Art Nutrient Sensing NANOOS, UW, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Spyglass: Operational Ecological Forecasting of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Pacific Northwest using an Environmental Sample Processor. CeNCOOS, UCSB; McLain & Axiom: Integration of the Imaging Flow CytoBot into a 40-year Time Series for San Francisco Bay AOOS, UAF; Pacific Gyre: Real-Time Sensor System for Detecting Freeze-up on Arctic Shelves NANOOS, AOOS, CeNCOOS, SCCOOS, PacIOOS, NOAA/PMEL; Sunburst Sensors: Improving an Ocean Acidification Observation System in Support of Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers – continuation of FY13 project 23
Marine Biodiversity 3 Mbon projects to show how marine and coastal data could be integrated into the system This U.S. regional contribution to GEO BON is focused in in four geographic areas: the Florida Keys, Monterey Bay, Channel Islands, and the U.S. Chukchi Sea continental shelf. sity/welcome.html 24 Credit: MBARI
Ocean Enterprise Study Determine U.S. Business Activity related to ocean measurement, observation, and forecasting Advocate for ocean studies Phase I Report Released November 2014 –Over 600 companies identified as part of the private sector of the Ocean Enterprise. –On Deck - Quantify the impact of this sector Study to be complete September
Certification - Five Key Points 1.Establishes minimum criteria for how a RICE operates 2.RICE = RA 3.Civil liability applies to observation data 4.Certification is not connected to funding 5.Avoids being prescriptive when possible RICE CERTIFICATION 26
FY2016 RA Federal Funding Opportunity Timeline: –Draft FFO – December FY2014 –NOAA Approval –Publish Announcement – Q1 CY 2015 (February) –Proposal Close date – August 2015 –Merit Review – Oct – Nov 2015 –Forward Recommendations Jan
CenCOOS:Biological & Physical Data Integration Emerging capability: Beta version of emerging marine mammal health mapping tool 28
DMAC: Delivering and Enhancing Information