Work shop objectives, changes in 6 th WP and strategies 1 2 -- 1 4 July, 2 0 1 0 Bahir Dar Dereje Biruk, ATL.


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Presentation transcript:

Work shop objectives, changes in 6 th WP and strategies July, Bahir Dar Dereje Biruk, ATL

1.. Objective of the session: Following the approved consolidation framework review lessons learned so far and develop implementation strategies for the 6 th work plan activities; Further consolidate and institutionalize project components within our partner institutions; Refine inter-relationships between project components and integrate SWHISA activities into a unifying framework; Review the implementation of project plans by woredas in the 5 th year and develop follow-up strategies; Following the approved consolidation framework review lessons learned so far and develop implementation strategies for the 6 th work plan activities; Further consolidate and institutionalize project components within our partner institutions; Refine inter-relationships between project components and integrate SWHISA activities into a unifying framework; Review the implementation of project plans by woredas in the 5 th year and develop follow-up strategies;

Review progress made in 5 th year on results reporting following the approved PMF; and identify lessons learned Review activity schedule and prepare group/component Gantt Chart with benchmarks and milestones for performance review; Enhance cohesion and team building between SWHISA team by understanding scope, constraints and opportunities for collaboration among the teams; and Streamline project management issues (not HR issues) for improved support to the teams

2. Pre-session work (preparatory work done) As per the guideline sent out in preparation to the retreat it is assumed that: Each SWHISA working group has met prior to this Work Planning Session to: – review the whole SWHISA 6th year work plan, – prepare draft Gantt chart for the activities that the group is responsible for – Prepare a brief concept note on implementation strategy for the 6 th year plan

3..1 each Group in collaboration with process owners makes a brief presentation on the following: A.Lessons Learned so far K ey lessons learned in the past 5 years of the project Challenges faced and opportunities realized in the 5 th year, and 3..1 each Group in collaboration with process owners makes a brief presentation on the following: A.Lessons Learned so far K ey lessons learned in the past 5 years of the project Challenges faced and opportunities realized in the 5 th year, and

B.Reflections on how the consolidation and institutionalization of project components should unfold in the 6 th year (i.e. Implementation Strategy) highlight key Implementation strategies, challenges, etc. in the 6 th year)

Based on lessons learned, an overview of how you see the component moving forward and consolidated in the 6th year; What worked well in engaging key partners/stakeholders in implementation and how should we proactively pursue engagement; How will the activities be carried out both at the regional and woreda levels jointly by partners and SWHISA; (use a flow chart if required) How well SWHISA Team coordination worked or did not work and what strategies should be adopted; and Based on lessons learned in the 5th year, how performance indicators will be collected and analyzed. Based on lessons learned, an overview of how you see the component moving forward and consolidated in the 6th year; What worked well in engaging key partners/stakeholders in implementation and how should we proactively pursue engagement; How will the activities be carried out both at the regional and woreda levels jointly by partners and SWHISA; (use a flow chart if required) How well SWHISA Team coordination worked or did not work and what strategies should be adopted; and Based on lessons learned in the 5th year, how performance indicators will be collected and analyzed.

3.2 Presentation by woredas either by themselves or through the coordinators (can be in Amharic); Review of implementation of activities in the 5 th year; key achievements, and challenges faced and Based on lessons learned in the past, identify strategies to be pursued to improve overall performance to meet targets in the 6 th year. Four woredas are selected West Belesa, Goncha, Menzmama, and Delanta

4. Strategic Changes beginning 6 th Work Plan Ownership of WP implementation and management of funds by PIs and Woredas: – SWHISA will encourage PIs to take over greater responsibility for planning, implementing and monitoring SWHISA activities. PIs and woredas would manage allocated funds as per AWP budget and SWHISA guidelines. Devote more resources and efforts to strengthening the demand/response interface at the zonal and woreda levels: – The role of SWHISA Experts and Coordinators need to adjust to ownership by Woredas and PIs. The emphasis should change to greater coordination and mentoring of activities and funds than implementation. Ownership of WP implementation and management of funds by PIs and Woredas: – SWHISA will encourage PIs to take over greater responsibility for planning, implementing and monitoring SWHISA activities. PIs and woredas would manage allocated funds as per AWP budget and SWHISA guidelines. Devote more resources and efforts to strengthening the demand/response interface at the zonal and woreda levels: – The role of SWHISA Experts and Coordinators need to adjust to ownership by Woredas and PIs. The emphasis should change to greater coordination and mentoring of activities and funds than implementation.

Documentation and Dissemination of Lessons Learned: – Documentation and dissemination of Lessons Learned/Best Practices by SWHISA Experts and PIs, and – Greater focus on scaling up lessons learned/best practices at all levels. Continue to promote the benefit of practical demonstration: – Ownership of planning and implementation of demonstrations by Woreda experts will require greater support and mentoring. – Irrigation extension materials: extension leaflets, bulletins and other tools will be developed to promote the application of best practices and participatory approaches at the woreda level. Documentation and Dissemination of Lessons Learned: – Documentation and dissemination of Lessons Learned/Best Practices by SWHISA Experts and PIs, and – Greater focus on scaling up lessons learned/best practices at all levels. Continue to promote the benefit of practical demonstration: – Ownership of planning and implementation of demonstrations by Woreda experts will require greater support and mentoring. – Irrigation extension materials: extension leaflets, bulletins and other tools will be developed to promote the application of best practices and participatory approaches at the woreda level.

Institutionalization of capacity development: – Use of TOT concept: all training and capacity development would follow TOT concept -senior bureau/regional experts training new and junior colleagues at the zone and woreda levels, – Improving quality of training resource material and customizing to the regional situation by pairing SWHISA experts and consultants with PI experts. – Handing over of all manuals, guidelines, training resource material, templates and checklists developed by SWHISA to PIs.

Impact positively on the environment: – Seeking higher level (Bureau Heads) commitment for implementation of EIA/IEEs in all development activities, – Regional directives on all guidelines, checklists and EMPs to all PIs and woredas. Gender Mainstreaming: – Seeking PIs commitment to gender mainstreaming, and – Greater responsibility of PI Gender Focal Persons in implementation of activities.

5. Deliverables