Software Project Management Dr. Anyarat Boonnithivorakul Development Capability Manager Reuters Software (Thailand) LTD.
Development Capability Manager Produce Short-Term Product Roadmap Capture requirements from clients Involve in client interaction for enhancement decision and schedule Functionally lead the development team to develop software releases to meet the requirements
Two groups of people are going to two shows. Thai Traditional Drama Performance Opera Who do you think enjoy the show more? Expectations
Basic Terms Play = Project Audience = Stakeholders Actors/Actresses = Project Team Members As long as the actors/actresses perform as expected by the audience, everybody is happy.
Definitions A project is a temporary activity with a starting date, specific goals and conditions, defined responsibilities, a budget, a planning, a fixed end date and multiple parties involved.
Software Project Management How to make/create a play to make the audience happy. Project Manager It's the job of the software project manager to see that everyone gets what he wants, in one way or another. He has to "make everyone a winner" [Boehm, 1989]. The negotiator. The customer always wants to have it all for free. The user wants to have to greatest functionality. The programmer doesn't want to document, but wants to use the coolest compilers.
Project Management Define Stakeholder Everyone wants to do things in the project differently. Who the project manager should listen to. Requirements What is the actual requirements? Eg. Deadline How to make it possible? Manage Time, Cost and Scope Make everyone happy
Stakeholder during the project Are we going to the right direction? The project managers task consists of giving the feedback to the stakeholders of the state their requirements are in. Feedback could take the following form: Tests Test results – Functional Prototypes Reports Evaluations Plans Benchmarks - Performance
Cycle Requirements Accepting requirements Planning, Managing, Processing and Tracking Give Feedback to stakeholder
Why are the requirements changed? Stakeholder changes his mind. By discussing, thinking about it and reflecting on the subject, a stakeholder can change his mind on what he wants. Project team interpreted requirements different than intended by stakeholder. Two people don't understand each other. "Forgotten" requirements pop up. During the project intake and the requirements determination the scope is determined and the initial requirements are written down. In this process you can forget one or two requirements that appear during the phase of feedback. Changes in the project surroundings. Things happened outside the project that can affect the project directly. A merger or reorganization, a new policy for buying supplies, a new law, etc. The fluctuation in the surroundings can change requirements. The longer a project runs, the more vulnerable the project is to this type of changes.
Project Constraints consist of the following elements: - Cost: This includes everything that costs money, like people and equipment. - Time: What is the time frame in which every activity should take place? - Quality: What is the level of quality the project has to reach?
Project Constraints Constraints are interdependent
Gantt Chart for Project Tracking A Gantt chart is a popular type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the work breakdown structure (WBS) of the chartproject schedulework breakdown structure Work Breakdown Structure = Task
Example of Gantt Chart