Transfer of UML models between Rational Rose and Argo using XMI. Experience from Norway. ESDI Workshop on Conceptual Schema Languages and Tools Morten Borrebæk and Geir Myrind (NMA Norway) Steinar Høseggen (Geomatikk AS and project leader and editor of ISO Rules for Application Schema)
Norwegian General Feature Catalogue
Scope of test EuroRoadS XMI Eksport Import XMI Export Import Rational Rose What will be lost in the process ? Manual steps required ?
Conclusion Based upon the EuroRoadSubset that contains: Feature type and attribute classes (supertypes and subtypes), attributes (only multiplicity = 1), associations (composition) with multiplicity, DataTypes, Codelists and documentation. 1.Easy to generate XMI from Rational Rose by Unisys ’plug in’. No errors 2.Easy to import XMI into ArgoUml. 3.Tricky to generate graphic views. Some functions available, but requires manual work. 4.Classes stereotyped DataType is implemented as DataType in ArgoUML, not a class anymore. 5.Documentation in the RR model is lost.during the export to ArgoUML 6.Easy to generate XMI from ArgoUml. 7.Easy to import XMI into Rational Rose. 8.Tools to assist making graphic views, but requires manual work. 9.DataTypes from ArgoUml is lost 10.Documentation from ArgoUml is imported.
General conclusion ArgoUml is freely available and can be downloaded from the Web, and constitutes a valuable tool for communities that do not want to by an expensive tool like Rational Rose. Tranfer of documentation between ArgoUML and Rational Rose makes this a valuable tool to provide input from smaller communities into a more extensive/comprehensive model, for example in Rational Rose. The problem of DataTypes (which also is a problem with other tools) must be overcome. More extensive tests should be performed.
Error when reading the.mdl file 07:28:02| Loading unit from file C:\CENTC287\ESDI_workshop_CSL\RationalRose\EuroRoadS- submodel.mdl 07:28:04| Error: Petal syntax error at line 2816 near 'category'