From insular protected areas to prioritised biodiversity networks at a landscape level Richard Knight, Fabian Schories & Lorraine Gerrans
What is Systematic Conservation Planning? A rigorous procedure for identifying a network of habitats to ensure the maximization of a biodiversity conservation. GIS-based Repeatable Iterative Minimum Sets Irreplaceability Let there be C-Plan! Species or Habitats? Rarity
C-Plan seems to be the only solution used in SA? C-Plan has been used extensively for conservation planning in South Africa. WHY? Is it the only one? Is it a good algorithm? What are its limitations? MARXANSimulatedAnnealing Genetic Algorithms
What is a Simulated Annealing? Borrowed from Physic to explain different thermal conductivities... It is spatial explicit …. optimizes clusters of sites according to proximity and geometry such as perimeter to area ratios MARXAN is being included within C-Plan software for reserve selection.
What is a Genetic Algorithm? Selection…..usually a randomly selected pair Crossover Parent AParent B Mutation For Reserve Selection a group of sites will represent a chromosome
Advantages of a Genetic Algorithm? GAs are far faster to process ` Candidate Sites Forward Direction Forward and Reverse Direction Genetic Algorithms GAs allow both forward and backward processing whereas iterative technique is a forward only process
Description of the Data used for the Web Approach Data obtained from Coastec “Species and Sites” data base and includes 93 sites represented by >3000 plant species. Apache Tomcat 5.0 server MySQL Database Server ARC IMS server
Functionality of the Application? Allows users to build their own database based on selection of both species and sites. Database can be added to or subtracted from for species and sites and name changes undertaken for species. Gives a choice of Iterative and Genetic Algorithms as well as how many sites represent a minimum number of sites (1~5) for conservation as well as the proportion of species to be conserved (all, 95%, 90%, 80% or 66%). Produces full documentation and hyperlinked list to the mapserver, manage results and to zip result files.