Septic System Maintenance GET PUMPED!
Septic System
GET PUMPED! Overview Proper maintenance is vital! Septic tanks MUST be pumped periodically (EPA recommends every three to five years) The drainfield needs to be protected from overloading and compaction. Wastewater should enter the system as evenly as possible throughout the day/week.
GET PUMPED! Household Size (number of people) Number of Years Tank Size (gallons) Septic Tank Pumping Frequency Based on Tank and Household Size
GET PUMPED! Did You Know? The drainfield is very delicate during winter months. Good vegetative cover is important for drainfield function and maintenance. There is no substitute for regular maintenance!
GET PUMPED! Did You Know? Commercial starters, feeders, and other additives are NOT necessary and may interrupt the natural processes that make the system effective. Avoid putting hair, coffee grounds, dental floss, diapers, kitty litter, feminine hygiene products, cigarette butts, etc. in the system. NEVER put paint, varnishes, paint thinners, waste oils, or pesticides in the system.
GET PUMPED! What NOT to Do: DON’T use harsh cleaners, bleach, soaps, or detergents. DON’T dispose of paints, medications, or chemicals through your septic system. DON’T attempt to pump the tank on your own—always use a certified professional.
GET PUMPED! What TO do: DO have your tank inspected and pumped regularly by a certified professional. DO control water use to avoid overloading the system. DO divert surface water runoff from roofs, driveways, downspouts, etc. away from the drainfield.
GET PUMPED! Contacts Insert local contact information The Groundwater Foundation P.O. Box Lincoln, NE