Video sX5E&index=6&list=PLJ8uEbBRJZKf878RK5gjm DvSciU4AUNmY&spfreload=10 sX5E&index=6&list=PLJ8uEbBRJZKf878RK5gjm DvSciU4AUNmY&spfreload=10
What are they? The Grand Challenges for Engineering are 14 issues that NEED to be addressed in the next century in order for our planet to survive and sustain life as we know it. They are equally important and will NOT be solved overnight!
Make Solar Energy Affordable
What does it all mean? The sun is Earth’s greatest source of energy yet it only provides 1% of our energy needs. We need to better capture it, convert it, make it cheaper, and find a way to store it.
Manage the Nitrogen Cycle
What does it all mean?: Nitrogen is the most abundant element in our atmosphere. It can be found in our air and soil. Humans are adding nitrogen into the environment through pesticides, fertilizers and burning fossil fuels. The imbalance in the nitrogen cycle causes greenhouse gases and global warming.
Advance Health Information
What does it all mean? Keep track of individual medical records from birth to death that are easily accessible from doctor to doctor. Provide doctors with medical research information quickly and easily so that they can better diagnose and treat illnesses. Better prepare for pandemics (ebola, HIV, etc)
Prevent Nuclear Terror
What does it all mean? One of the most urgent issues of the 21 st century. It is important to find all of the dangerous nuclear material in the world, keep track of it, secure it, and detect its transport by terrorists. It is complicated because we also use the ingredients to supply energy needs.
Advance Personalized Learning
What does it all mean? Learning is personal. Educational programs should be tailored to a person’s individual needs and interests rather than a “one-size fits all” setting, ex: age. Online learning is one avenue. More advanced software could make learning more reliable, broad, and affordable.
Provide Energy from Fusion
What does it all mean? The sun generates energy through fusion. The goal would be to create human generated fusion that mimics the sun’s process in a safe, efficient, and economical way.
Provide Access to Clean Drinking Water
What does it all mean? We live on a planet that is 75% water yet we don’t have enough clean water for the people who live here. Lack of clean drinking water is responsible for more deaths in the world than war. We need to develop better technologies to keep our fresh water clean and make better use of our ocean water.
Engineer Better Medicines
What does it all mean? People are different. Personalized medicine takes into account a person’s DNA and treats them in the way that best benefits them. The challenge is to develop better systems to rapidly collect and assess a person’s genetic profile. Develop the technology to deliver drugs to the site of infection, not whole body. Create safer, more efficient drugs.
Secure Cyberspace
What does it all mean? We need better software to protect our data online. We need to better monitor and detect security breaches. More strict laws against cyber hackers. Less than 1% are caught and punished.
Reduce and store carbon dioxide Part 1: Part 2:
What does it all mean? Carbon dioxide is a natural and necessary gas in our atmosphere, but pollution is putting an excess amount into our atmosphere. This causes global warming. We need to capture the carbon dioxide and store it safely away.
Reverse Engineer the Brain
What does it all mean? Figuring out how the brain works: – Help build smarter computers – Better understand brain disorders like autism and dementia – Help improve how we learn – Develop artificial intelligence to perform intricate or dangerous tasks – Repair damage from injury like paralysis
Engineer the tools of scientific discovery
What does it all mean? We need to continue to develop and create the tools, instruments, and systems that allow us to acquire new knowledge about the physical and biological worlds.
Restore and improve urban infrastructure
What does it all mean? Infrastructure can include buildings, bridges, roadways, electrical lines, transportation, sewage systems, etc. The infrastructure is aging and failing. It needs to be modernized to include energy efficiency. Need for better access for elderly and handicapped.
Enhance Virtual Reality
What does it all mean? Virtual reality gives the impression of being somewhere other than where you are. This is good because it can provide real world experiences and training (ex. Doctor, pilot) in a safe setting Video conferencing can better connect businesses world wide
What do these 14 challenges have in common?