Typesetting: Distinguishing Between Property Types Ivan Graff, P. E. Office of Asset Management
Agenda May 7, FIMS / RE Training2 Real and personal differences Details on personal property Details on: Buildings Real Property Trailers The Blues Brothers
Property Definitions Personal Real May 7, FIMS / RE Training3 41 CFR Government-wide 41 CFR DOE – specific DOE Financial Mgmt Handbook10.3(a)(1) DOE G Referenced in O 580.1A 41 CFR 102–71.20 Government-wide FY 2014 FRPP Guidance DOE Financial Mgmt Handbook 10.2(a)(1) DOE O 430.1B OECM Memo. 02/23/10
Comparing Personal and Real May 7, FIMS / RE Training4 R E A LP E R S O N A L Immobile Movable Always Tangible Tangible & Intangible Annual Inventory Annual Inventory * All Items Reported Not All Reported * Triennially for equipment
Examples of Real Property May 7, FIMS / RE Training5 Buildings Utilities Land Roads, Walks, Bridges Walls, Poles, Towers DOE O 430.1B “Prefabricated Movable Structures” Minerals in Land
Examples of Personal Property May 7, FIMS / RE Training6 Motor Vehicles Equipment Sensitive Items Minerals & Precious Metals Stock Materials Potable Alcohol High Risk Property Energy Related Laboratory Equipment 41 CFR 109 DOE O 580.1A governing regulation
Mobile Property May 7, FIMS / RE Training7 Is this real property? Temporarily personal property?
May 7, FIMS / RE Training8 Mobile Refinery Moveable Oil Rig?
May 7, FIMS / RE Training9 Related Personal Property Laboratory Equipment
May 7, FIMS / RE Training10 Experimental Equipment Utility Generation
May 7, FIMS / RE Training11 Security Equipment Installed on a Structure Security Equipment Installed on a Building
Hot Cells May 7, FIMS / RE Training12
Hot Cells May 7, FIMS / RE Training13
Hot Cells May 7, FIMS / RE Training14
May 7, FIMS / RE Training15 Real Property Type: B UILDINGS
May 7, FIMS / RE Training16 “A building is a constructed asset that is enclosed with walls and a roof that provides space for agencies to perform activities or store materials as well as provides space for people to live or work.” – 2014 Guidance for Real Property Inventory Reporting constructedenclosedactivitieslive or workundergroundstacked, adjacent, nested
May 7, FIMS / RE Training17 What does “constructed” mean? constructed enclosedactivitieslive or workundergroundstacked, adjacent, nested Land Parcel Constructed
May 7, FIMS / RE Training18 What does “enclosed” mean? constructed enclosed activitieslive or workundergroundstacked, adjacent, nested What characteristics does a wall have? What characteristics does a roof have?
May 7, FIMS / RE Training19 Does it matter if the roof and walls seem indistinguishable? constructed enclosed activitieslive or workundergroundstacked, adjacent, nested Do gaps within the wall or between the walls and the roof or ground matter?
May 7, FIMS / RE Training20 How long must the materials comprising the walls and roof last? constructed enclosed activitieslive or workundergroundstacked, adjacent, nested Temporary breaches do not negate the wall.
May 7, FIMS / RE Training21 What does it mean to “perform activities”? constructedenclosed activities live or workundergroundstacked, adjacent, nested Administrative, Research (R&D) Production Materials Handling Cleanup Operations Maintenance Repair Surveillance Improvements frequency, duration, intensity do not matter Examples:
May 7, FIMS / RE Training22 What does it mean to have “space for people to live or work”? constructedenclosedactivities live or work undergroundstacked, adjacent, nested Reference: 36 CFR
May 7, FIMS / RE Training23 May a structure become accessible following commissioning? constructedenclosedactivities live or work undergroundstacked, adjacent, nested What about a blocked entryway?
May 7, FIMS / RE Training24 constructedenclosedactivities live or work undergroundstacked, adjacent, nested Not Buildings: Tanks Repositories (waste) Grouted, encased, or buried “structures.” Still Buildings: General entry barred due to: Structural deficiencies Contamination
May 7, FIMS / RE Training25 Might a building reside under- ground? constructedenclosedactivitieslive or work underground stacked, adjacent, nested Partially below grade? Above grade entrance?
May 7, FIMS / RE Training26 Are tunnels buildings? constructedenclosedactivitieslive or work underground stacked, adjacent, nested Transportation Tunnel Living and Working Storage
May 7, FIMS / RE Training27 constructedenclosedactivitieslive or workunderground stacked, adjacent, nested One building record GOOPATRON Include portico in building record
May 7, FIMS / RE Training28 constructedenclosedactivitieslive or workunderground stacked, adjacent, nested 1 2 Penthouse on building = one building record Adjacent independent structures = multiple building records Note: Do not assume independence from façade appearance
May 7, FIMS / RE Training29 constructedenclosedactivitieslive or workunderground stacked, adjacent, nested Adjacent independent structures = multiple building records Note: Include breezeway in the building records
May 7, FIMS / RE Training30 Real Property Type: T RAILERS
Trailers Means Modular Buildings May 7, FIMS / RE Training31 Unit size, height, elevation Number of component units With or without chasis do not matter
Evolution of a Container May 7, FIMS / RE Training32 Personal Property Possibly Real Property Probably Real Property “Permanent” means: Severable through destructive means Relocation not quick or easy Utility connections meet code for permanence
May 7, FIMS / RE Training33 Questions & Comments Muddy Waters Johnny Winter