Marriage & Family LifeHealthHealth BehaviorsHomeTimeEmploymentFinancial Well-beingNeighborhood and Community What can create stress? COPING & STRESS THINK TANK
Why is it important to that we know what stresses us? * So we can recognize potential stressors in our lives and look for positive/healthy ways to deal with them * So that we can be aware of how we interact with others when we are stressed and try to monitor it * So that we can provide ourselves with more understanding, time and space to get things done when we know we are stressed
Why is it important to that we know what stresses others in the workplace? * So we can recognize it when it is happening with our employees * So we can recognize it when it is happening to our colleagues * So if the stressors are something that we can help with, we can take action (i.e. resources to get job done, offering to help out, facilitating discussions between employees, etc).
What were my biggest sources of stress? Personal Health Healthy Behaviors Changes in Marriage
How can I deal better with these? Make time to work out Make time to plan and prepare healthy meals Make doctors appointments Make massage appointments Make time to get outside Make time to take breaks during the day Make time to go out with friends
What have I done so far? Joined a new health club that is closer to home and closer to work Paid for a parking spot so that I would not have the excuse to not work out Challenged myself to cook 3 times a week I have made at least 3 important doctors apts and a dentist apt so far this year Going to physical therapy Joined Avon walk team Set a time limit ion Saturdays for getting out of the house Lost 6 pounds Stopped talking to ex-husband
What are some of the ways we can help our colleagues at work when we see they are stressed? Provide training Provide resources Provide an ear Help with a project Adjust workload if possible Reward people for a job well done