Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 1 Reference Location Signs and Enhanced Ref. Loc. Signs –Enhanced Reference Location Signs, which enhance the reference location sign system by identifying the route, may be placed on freeways or expressways (instead of Reference Locations Signs or on conventional roads.2E.54
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 2 Reference Location Sign –Formally Reference Post Markers –Erected along trunk highways to: Assist drivers in estimating progress Provide a means for identifying location in emerg Aid in highway maintenance –Zero point is at south or west state line, or south or west junctions of route –If unable to erect in correct location, may move 50’ either direction, otherwise omit6-8.07
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 3 Miscellaneous Guide Signs –Miscellaneous Guide signs are used to point out geographical features, such as rivers and summits, and other jurisdictional boundaries (see Section 2D.47).2E.55
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 4 Miscellaneous Guide Signs –Miscellaneous Guide signs should not be installed unless there are specific reasons for orienting the road users or identifying control points for activities that are clearly in the public interest. –If Miscellaneous Guide signs are to be of value to the road user, they should be consistent with other freeway or expressway guide signs in design and legibility. –On all such signs, the design should be simple and dignified, devoid of any tendency toward flamboyant advertising, and in general conformance with other freeway and expressway signing.2E.55
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 5 Hospital Signs –On freeways and expressways in urban areas, the HOSPITAL sign shall be installed in advance of the interchange leading to the hospital. The appropriate directional signs shall be installed on freeway and expressway ramps. 2D.45.1 /
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 6 Hospital Signs –In rural areas, where other Motorist Services signs are used in advance of the interchange leading to the hospital, the word “hospital” may be included if the word “camping” is not included. 2D.45.1 /
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 7 Other Supplemental Guide Signs Airport Signing –The airport shall be located within 15 miles of the interchange –Individual airport names may be used on signing, as necessary, to ensure adequate identification for motorists. –At interchanges, the E10-3 sign design (replace HOSPITAL with AIRPORT)6-7.09
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 8 Other Supplemental Guide Signs Educational Institution Signing –If school meets requirements, the freeway sign shall have the institution name on the top line and EXIT XXX on the bottom (or NEXT RIGHT or SECOND RIGHT) –Signs on ramps shall display the institution name and arrow If located more than 2 miles, show distance on ramp sign6-7.09
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 9 Other Supplemental Guide Signs Major Traffic Generator Signing –If generator qualifies, follow same rules for Educational Institution6-7.09
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 10 Other Supplemental Guide Signs Regional Shopping Center –Center must meet the following requirements: 1.At least 600,000 SF of retail under one roof 2.At least 2 major department stores owned by national or regional chain 3.Located within 2 miles of the interchange 4.Located outside of the downtown or CBD, except in Metro District
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 11 Weigh Station Signing –Weigh Station signing on freeways and expressways shall be the same as that specified in Section 2D.44, except for lettering size and the advance posting distance for the Exit Direction sign, which shall be located a minimum of 450 m (1,500 ft) in advance of the gore.2E.58
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 12 Weigh Station Signing –The standard installation for Weigh Station signing shall include three basic signs: –Advance sign (D8-1); –Exit Direction sign (D8-2), and –Gore sign (D8-3).2E.58
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 13 Weigh Station Signing –The Exit Direction sign (D8-2) or the Advance sign (D8-1) should display, either within the sign border or on a supplemental panel, the changeable message OPEN or CLOSED.2E.58
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 14 Weigh Station Signing Figure 2D-102E.58
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 15 Freeway Entrance Sign –The Freeway Entrance (E1-6) sign should be used at those locations where a motorist may unintentionally enter a freeway or expressway entrance ramp.2E.60
Office of Traffic, Safety, and Operations 16 Freeway Entrance Sign –The following are locations where the installation of this sign should be considered: A road or city street which becomes a freeway or expressway entrance ramp without a break in the horizontal alignment; Locations where entrance ramp geometrics are not obvious and which may be confusing for an unfamiliar motorist; or Where there has been a continuing number of complaints from motorists who have entered a freeway or expressway entrance ramp unintentionally.2E.60