Order Management Redesign Start up Implementation Team Member Meeting November 3, 2005
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 2 Presentation Overview Order Management Redesign Project Background –What’s been done so far? Highlights of Planned Changes Anticipated Results Implementation Approach and Timeline –What’s going on right now? –What’s the plan going forward?
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 3 Project Background What is “Business Process Redesign”? –“The critical analysis and radical redesign of existing business processes to achieve breakthrough improvements in performance measures.” What are Order Managements’ Goals in pursuing a Redesign effort? –Determine optimum staffing levels to perform work –Recommend methods for working together effectively –Ensure cross-functional interdependencies work smoothly –Develop standards and metrics –Determine flexibility of Pinnacle to permit modifications
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 4 Project Background: Guiding Principles Increase Client Satisfaction by redesigning processes that are Seamless & Invisible to customers Align work processes with Pinnacle Functionality Recommend Motivating & Achievable performance standards Design to demonstrate Competence & Responsiveness to our clients Improve Staff Satisfaction & Productivity Represent our Entire Organization Research Best Practices
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 5 Project Background: The Design Team Who: –Judy Pincus (Finance) - Karla Lacy (OM/OP) –Silvio Castrillo (PCG)- Frank De Martini (Help Desk) –Erich Snow (Fac/Eng.) - Jay Larson (I&M) What –Examined current structures and processes, developed recommendations for changes Results: –A new tiered model for order processing –Creation of a control desk function and billing inquiry office –A new organizational structure to support the new processes
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 6 Recommendation Highlights Pinnacle/ITService Site can meet client need for auto- confirmation of orders with upcoming enhancements Direct phone line to Order Management for order placement is still necessary for residential clients Offer improved and more frequent training for staff and clients. Evaluate, update and distribute documentation for staff and clients, rebuild a client “Contact” program Maximize IT Services Site auto-population features
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 7 The Anticipated Result: Improved Client Satisfaction Adequate staff ratios available to perform work and improve morale More efficient Order Process Processes will be built around Pinnacle as the core system Cross functional interdependencies work smoothly Development of standards and metrics to improve quality of service
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 8 Pre-Implementation Work Steering Committee & Sponsor recommendation review Final approval of recommendations Hired Project Manager Clustering of Recommendations Development of Implementation Charter Development of Teams & Charters
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 9 Accomplishments Paperless process in Order Management Billing office formed Co-location of Order Processors and Billing staff OM Remedy Queue & ACD inquiry distribution reengineered Facilities Engineering designs Fiber Optics circuits in lieu of Order Processors
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 10 Implementation Make the Design Team’s recommendations REALITY –Implement a new Order Management process flow –Implement formal training program for Order Processors –Implement new IT Service Site Enhancements –Implement a Service Offering review process –Update Operations Processes & Procedures –Update & Improve Web Documentation & Education for clients
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 11 OM Redesign Implementation Teams OM/Restructuring Operational Procedures & Processes Client Communication, Marketing and Training Staff Training IT Services Site Core Team Web Documentation Service offerings OM/Pinnacle Employee Communication
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 12 The Implementation Team Sponsor: Jay Kohn Steering Committee: Jan Cicero, Jim Knox, Bert Stubbs, John Freshwaters, Fred Hannson, Project Manager: Christine Yelda Team LeadsTeam Name Nancy AnsaldoShared Services Operations Web Documentation Susan ArsenaultOrder Processor Staff Training Karen CoxOrder Management/Restructuring Vicki HallettIT Services Site Teresa “TJ” JanewayClient Communication, Marketing and Training Kathy LucasOrder Management/Pinnacle Judy PincusService Offerings Erich SnowOperating Procedures & Policies Christine YeldaEmployee Communication
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 13 Implementation Approach Implementation November 2005 to May 31, 2006 Develop, deploy/pilot Evaluate pilot results, make adjustments as necessary Put new organization structure in place Communicate with clients, transition new structures and processes into “production” Refine processes
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 14 Team Structure & Responsibilities Individual Team Lead Member (s) Subject Matter Expert Receiver/Liaison Developer Ad Hoc Member On call to teams for information, communication and expertise Develop detailed plan for installing new processes Carry out implementation tasks Develop goals and metrics
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 15 Oversight Sponsor & Steering Committee –Champion of project –Liaison with executive directors –Reviews & approves Implementation plan –Authorizes action –Holds members of organization accountable –Monitors results –Reports progress to Organization –Ensures sufficient time & resources are made available –Manages changes that need to be made within functions –Resolves technical issues that need to be escalated
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 16 Next Steps Team Start up –Team meetings scheduled by leads in November –Review team charter –Set team operating ground rules & processes –Develop detailed work plan & timeline Determine metrics to measure Develop resource plan –Status reports to core team –Prepare for steering committee review of recommendations
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 17 Expectations & Opportunities Alignment with Strategic Initiatives Business Affairs IT Services Priority work for IT Services, part of IPPs Thinking and working differently Managing Change deliberately & consciously Cross collaboration is the way to success You are the experts and know our systems best
Order Management Process Redesign November 2005, page 18 Questions?