Company Confidential 1 AS9104/2A Oversight Standard Revision Report Tim Lee Project Chair September 11, 2012
22 Title - IAQG 9104/2 RevisionOriginator - Tim LeeDate - 20 April 2009 Initiative Summary - To harmonize requirements to the new version of ; improve oversight process to include risk based oversight, increased focus on auditor competency and include new tools that will evaluate the validity of the 9100 series certificate. Initiative pre-requisites/constraints/dependencies - This activity will proceed upon release of IAQG 9104/1. Initiative deliverables - Published IAQG 9104/2 in the respective AS/EN/SJAC formats Applicable to - Aviation/Space/Defence Estimated Implementation Value - HighEstimated Implementation difficulty - Hard Planned start date - October 2008 Actual Start date: April 2009 Estimated duration - 1 Year Realistic duration: 1.5 years Estimated resource needs - 3 Focals from Each Sector Initiative sponsored by - IAQG - OPMTSigned - (Sector Leader/IAQG member) Guy Dion – EAQG Chairman Prime strategic focus subject addressed - IAQG Quality Management System certification program is robust, recognised and valued Strategy Group Initiative Reference Number - OPMT - 2 Degree of strategic alignment - Full OPMT Alignment Comments - Aligned to Implementation of AQMS Responsibility of OPMT Signed - (Strategy Team Leader) Rick Downs – OPMT Chairman Team Charter
33 Potential Changes Process Mapping Oversight that includes all entities (AB, CB, AB Assessors, OP Assessors) Improved OASIS oversight - Focus on functionality Risk Based Oversight Updated assessment tools Incorporation of all OPMT resolutions Review Joint Team Assessment (Industry and AB) –Clarify roles & responsibilities. IAQG Member Supplemental Oversight –Clear definition, use of OASIS feedback, 9100 Series Certification Validation Audit Process best practices, communication Training & Qualification of OP Assessors Use of translators during oversight.
44 Activities to Date Assignment of Book Bosses Benchmarking of other industry processes (Telecommunication, Automotive, Air Transport) Feedback from Sectors received and reviewed Agreed to draft concepts and Risk Based Oversight concept Working Draft In Process –Restructured based on the oversight process Draft formatted by IAQG Editor Forms (checklists) process established (SR-002) –95 % of all checklists are in draft form Virtual team meetings (monthly) Face to Face Meeting was held in late July. Final draft completed.
55 Next Steps Complete draft and assessment tools (Oct 2012) Ballot (Oct – Feb) Work with Requirements Team (Oct 2012) –Develop forms management process Address ballot issues (Feb – March 2013) Publish (April 2013) Obtain OPMT approval of all forms - Ongoing –Publish via IAQG Website Develop plan for Implementation (Feb 2013) –OP Assessor Training
66 Next Steps Questions…..