The DEER The Distributed European Electronic Resource.


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Presentation transcript:

The DEER The Distributed European Electronic Resource

The DEER The DEER will be a digital online resource for research and learning in European culture, using the technologies of e-science and distributed computing (grid computing). It will be a work platform for collaborative research, and an accessible repository for distributed digital materials. It will provide a means of ensuring that the products of cultural research, content, and application development are permanently available for the people of Europe.

DEER principles Overarching- ultimately, Europe’s cultural memory Unity and diversity - enjoying Europe’s diverse cultures Visionary andforward looking- using advanced technologies Multilingual - for all content as far as practicable Bring users to the foreground- market + user research Communication, creativity and joint working - forum for participation and collaborative research Permanence - through principles of digital preservation Multinational - through national agreements Interoperable - an environment for a distributed resource Education and learning - for higher education and for all

DEER components Content Creation (VR, projects, &c), User Groups Public awareness Training in use of resources Training in Creation of resources research community awareness Collaborative workspace Portal Cataloguing, metadata Repository, storage, preservation DEER

DEER portals Learning and courses (digital skills) Learning, courses (content) User profiles, groups Collaborative research workspace Learning and courses (digital culture) Cultural content, research data Public DEER

The DEER is… An infrastructure –For content providers and owners A distributed repository –ensuring storage and digital preservation Portals –providing access to distributed collections –providing new research and learning technology services for users A collaborative workspace – developing and using research support technologies

The DEER is for… The European research community –Research matrix, NoE, CORDIS etc A range of user communities – content creators – content users and re-purposers – learners, the public, special needs – commercial exploiters

The DEER requires... Integration of existing and new national content and learning networks An organisational model suitable for a distributed European resource A range of training and out-reach services –Standards awareness, Guides to Good Practice, Training (e.g. TEI) –Teaching applications e.g. Euro Masters, schools, life long and distance learning –Public awareness of the value of cultural heritage

Roadmap - outline Scope of the DEER: statement of purpose; principles Components, uses, and users Principles underlying organizational structure Policy Models Relevant technologies Implementation model Long term funding model Outcomes: permanent and sustainable

Roadmap - 1 Scope of the DEER: statement of purpose; principles Components, uses, and users –as identified by current project partners – as currently provided (from lists of existing services) –Perceived gaps in current provision Principles underlying organizational structure of DEER –Centralization vs distribution? –Consensus management; consultative bodies –Legal framework –Multilinguality, multi-layered communities

Roadmap - 2 Policy Models –Access: terms and conditions of use, rights management framework, –Description: standards, formats, Relevant technologies –Resource discovery. data mining and data description –User authentication and profiling –Necessary technical infrastructures (physical networks, grid technologies etc) –Multilinguality

Roadmap - 3 Implementation model: How to get there from here –Initial and permanent structure –Set up costs –Running costs –Timetable –Risks

Roadmap - 4 Long term funding model –Cost-benefit analysis; –strategic partnerships –anticipated revenue streams Outcomes –Short, medium, long term benefits –Permanence/durability of integrated actions