Preparing for the onsite visit Ben Aitken Trading Standards Officer Trading Standards MBIE New Zealand Kevin Gudmundsson Legal Metrology Advisor Trading Standards MBIE New Zealand
Preparing for the onsite visit Stage 1 Manufacturer = Nestle Group 1Group 2 Package Net Quantity165 g8g ??? Production hourly rate2500 per hour Calculate Tolerable Deficiency?? Calculate T1 error of product under test?? Calculate T2 error of product under test?? Calculate No. samples to select?? No. of T1 permitted in inspection lot??
Preparing for the onsite visit Stage 2 Demonstrate computer system with rice exercise
Preparing for the onsite visit Stage 3 - Equipment check sheet Appropriate Scale Computer or hard copy of data capture sheet Stopwatch Protective equipment
Preparing for the onsite visit Stage 4 - Assign tasks Group 1Group 2 Sample collectors Time keeper Time Keeper Perform Weighing Computer data entry Manual data entry Manual Data entry