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Payroll jobs increased by a mere 126,000 in March, significantly below the 247,000 which was expected Private payrolls increased by 129,000 below the 240,000 March increase much lower than January and February numbers Average hourly earnings rose by.3 percent, marginally above analyst expectations.
Personal income growth was moderately healthy, posing a gain of.3 percent Wages and salaries component increased.6%, larger than in the prior months Might have been boosted by increases in the minimum wage
Biotech Sector down 5% for the week (Although Friday saw 2%+ in gains) Gilead (GILD) observed a “potentially fatal reaction” for patients that used its Hepatitis C drugs Gilead’s drugs have been so successful that this news “threatened investor confidence” in the entire Biotech sector Gilead is currently trading at 13.7 times earnings vs current 50 P/E for Sector
Value (Low P/E): Truly undervalued/under-recognized by Market Peak earnings – low growth ahead (value trap!) Distressed/Turnaround Security (Buffett: “Turnarounds rarely work…”) Growth (High P/E): Company has more growth potential and… RISK: The more growth priced into stock; the higher the chance of that growth not materializing (or at least not to the market’s expectations)
Spector of Interest Rate hike Lowered rates in Japan and Eurozone strength in US economy vs abroad More expensive dollar and cheaper foreign currencies Ex. Dollar buys.91 Euros vs previous.7-.8 for last 5 years Equal < depreciation in other currencies against US dollar
Viewpoint: Europe Manufacturer (example) Buying US goods: More Expensive Selling to US companies (raw materials, etc.): Easier since Euro goods are cheaper Viewpoint: US Manufacturers (example) Buying US goods vs Euro: More expensive Buying Euro goods: Less expensive US Imports will increase; exports will decrease; potentially affecting US economy adversely…
Important to understand supply chain!!! Winners: Euro Manufacturers selling to US Companies Euro companies buying Euro goods US companies buying Euro Goods (raw materials, etc.) Losers: US companies selling to other US companies that sell goods abroad US companies that rely on US made goods (as opposed to Euro goods) Euro companies that sell only to Euro markets (missed opportunity) US companies that sell goods to foreign markets (conglomerates, etc.)
3G Capital and Berkshire Hathaway teamed up to create a new company through the merger of H.J. Heinz Co. and The Kraft Foods Group. Will Create the 3 rd largest food producer in the U.S. and 5 th largest in the world. Deal is valued around $45 billion.
Shareholders of Heinz will hold a 51% stake in the new company, including 3G and Berkshire. The remaining 49% will go towards Kraft Shareholders.Kraft In addition, the Kraft shareholders will receive a one time dividend of $16.50/share.
Heinz derives 60% of sales outside of North America, 25% of which comes from emerging markets. Kraft derives 98% of sales from the North America. However, due to previous agreements with Mondelez, Kraft can’t bring Velveeta, Planters or Lunchable brands international. Expected to have $1.5 in cost synergies, largely due to a larger volume in sales.