C ONSUMER H EALTH : C ONSUMER R IGHTS & H EALTH CARE F ACILITIES Language Objectives: TSWBAT distinguish the difference between consumer health products, services, rights and health care facilities by working in groups to match definitions with terms while relying on previous life experiences of their classmates or themselves to complete the assignment.
G ROUPING C ARDS All you need is a pen/pencil for today’s class! Find your match: Find the group members that would match your blue dot or bottom left corner Sit with your group: Move desks so that all group members are equally in the circle I will collect the grouping cards when I distribute the assignment.
T WO M ATCHING A CTIVITIES Goal = everyone in the group will work together to match up the definitions to the terms on both sides of the worksheet Directions are on each side of the worksheet Turn in the worksheet after you have checked the answers for classwork credit