Last Minute Checks Correct MLA Format (Header, Citations) No slang or informal language NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS No Contractions Typed and Double Spaced Titles are in italics
Citations Sophocles. Antigone. Ed. Stanley Appelbaum. New York: Dover Publications Inc., 2013. --. “Antigone.” Holt McDougal Literature Grade 10. 1st ed. Ed. Janet Allen, et al. Orlando: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 2012. 1068-1106.
Which Citation(s) do I need? Quotes are only from the small Antigone book: Use the top citation. Quotes are only from the modern version of Antigone: Use the bottom citation. Put Sophocles in place of the dashes. Some quotes are from the small book AND some are from the modern version: Use both citations, with the second using dashes for the name In-text citations should use the title and have a page number: (Antigone 44) or (“Antigone” 1100)