CRIME AND DEVIANCE Key questions: 1. What is crime and deviance? 2. Who commits crime and why? 3. Who is the victim of crime and why? 4. Why don’t we commit crime? 5. How much crime takes place? 6. Policies 7. Trends
CRIME AND DEVIANCE 1. What is crime and deviance?
CRIME AND DEVIANCE 2. Who commits crime and why? Age Ethnicity Social class
CRIME AND DEVIANCE 2. Who commits crime and why? Labelling Locality Subculture (Albert Cohen and Paul Willis) Lots of opportunity (Williams) Material deprivation Lack of parental control (New Right) Inadequate socialisation (New Right and functionalists) Lack of role models
CRIME AND DEVIANCE Who is the victim of crime and why? Victimisation surveys (British Crime Survey) and Walklate (2007) Males Youth Minority ethnic minorities Lower social class
CRIME AND DEVIANCE 4. Why don’t we commit crime? - Socialisation - Bonds of attachment - Lack of opportunity - Social control - Fear of punishment - We do, we just don’t get caught!
CRIME AND DEVIANCE How much crime takes place? - Self report studies – more than is recorded by the police and reported to them /7 over million crimes committed by 11.3 BCS /7 5.4 million recorded by police
CRIME AND DEVIANCE Policies Restorative justice CCTV cameras ASBO
MASS MEDIA Key questions: 1. How much does the media influence us? 2. What is the difference between new media and mass media? 3. How has audience usage changed? 4. What is the role of the mass media in the socialisation process? 5. Why is media ownership an issue? 6. What is the pluralist approach? 7. What is the conflict approach? 8. How are news stories selected? 9. How are different groups represented and why? 10. How does the media affect deviancy amplification?
MASS MEDIA 1. How much does the media influence us? - hypodermic syringe model and video nasties (PASSIVE AUDIENCE) - uses and gratifications model (ACTIVE AUDIENCE) - two step flow (PASSIVE AUDIENCE) - decoding (ACTIVE AUDIENCE)
MASS MEDIA 2. What is the difference between new media and mass media? Mass media New and digital media
MASS MEDIA 3. How has audience usage changed? - new and digital media - portability - choice - control - pluralism - dangers to children?
MASS MEDIA 4. What is the role of the mass media in the socialisation process? - advertising – “I want that mummy!” – Marxists - political - functionalists – value consensus and social solidarity - secondary – less important
MASS MEDIA 5. Why is media ownership an issue? - monopoly – News Corp (Murdoch) - hegemony – Marxism - Lack of pluralism
MASS MEDIA 6. What is the pluralist approach? - choice - audience determines media
MASS MEDIA 7. What is the conflict approach? - media control (Marxists and feminists) - working class taught to accept inequality (Marxists) - myth of meritocracy (Marxists) - encourages consumerism (Marxists) - sexualisation of females (Feminists – Mulvey and Woulfe)
MASS MEDIA 8. How are news stories selected? - news values - sensationalism - bad news is good news - elite persons - audience
MASS MEDIA 9. How are different groups represented and why? - gender - ethnicity - age - social class
MASS MEDIA 10. How does the media affect deviancy amplification? - labelling - self fulfilling prophecy - moral panic (Stanley Cohen) -
POWER AND POLITICS Key questions: 1. What is power? 2. What different types of power are there? 3. What is a democracy? 4. Is the UK democratic? 5. How active are people in the political process and how engaged? 6. Are the powerful representative of the UK? 7. What is the welfare state? 8. What is the welfare state and what do sociologists think about it? 9. What is the government doing to tackle poverty and unemployment
POWER AND POLITICS Key questions: 1. What is power? - coercion and authority
POWER AND POLITICS 2. What different types of authority are there? - Max Weber – legal rational, charismatic, traditional authority - public and personal - feminists - marxists
POWER AND POLITICS 3. What is a democracy? Demos kratos
POWER AND POLITICS 4. Is the UK democratic? YES - free and fair elections - free press - freedom to protest NO - first past the post - House of Lords - 2 party state
POWER AND POLITICS 5. How active are people in the political process and how engaged? - 68% turnout (2015) - social class - age - voter apathy
POWER AND POLITICS 6. What affects voting behaviour? - social class (working class – Labour; professional – Conservative) - age (young – Labour; older – Conservative) - locality (Scotland, north, south)
POWER AND POLITICS 6. Are the powerful representative of the UK? NO - Ethnicity - Social class - gender - age
POWER AND POLITICS 7. What is the welfare state? - Bevridge - Child support - Income support - NHS
POWER AND POLITICS 8. What is the welfare state and what do sociologists think about it? - New Right - Socialists
POWER AND POLITICS 9. What is the government doing to tackle poverty and unemployment? - minimum wage - free childcare (15 hours, rising to 30 hours) - Means testing - New Deal (New Labour) - Troubled Families programme (Conservatives)
POWER AND POLITICS 10. What is the government doing to tackle an ageing population? - companies must have pension policies - extending working age