FRQ verbs Compare/Contrast: Compare: examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences/Contrast: examine in order to show dissimilarities or points of difference Describe: give an account of; tell about; give a word picture of, Describe means to point out characteristics of which are germane to something. This may take a couple of sentences to be done well. Discuss: talk over; write about; consider or examine by argument or from various points of view; debate; present the different sides of, Discuss requires that a student describe aspects of a concept, explain them as needed, and possibly even give examples. Explain: make clear or plain; make clear the causes or reasons for; make known in detail; tell the meaning of, Explain would mean to give the reader a clear understanding of a concept by providing some details, a bit more complex than simply describing. Identify simply means to give a single, concrete response, possibly just a word or phrase (but as part of a complete sentence, of course). Always add a ‘because’ statement in the FRQ > Identify the term Nation- state: A nation-state is a/an xxxxxxx BECAUSE xxxxxxx
APHG Magic phrases TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE EDUCATION OF WOMEN DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE DEMOGRAPHICS > IMR, FT You can be more successful in APHG if you can work these concepts correctly into your FRQs…
The big nine ideas in geography are: Location - Where is it? Distribution - How is it arranged? Spatial association - This goes with that. Distance - How far is it? Region - Common ground Spatial interaction - How strongly related? Scale - How big is it? Movement - Where to next? Spatial change over time - Before and after Check out this Australian geography webpage for more on the nine concepts:
Geography concept categories – E S P N ECONOMICSOCIALPOLITICALNatural World/ Environment
FRQ = Free Response Question FRQ writing is technical/professional writing; it is not flowery, literary, etc.. In May you will have 3 FRQs to respond to. This will count as ½ of your APHG exam score. FRQs range from around 4 points to 12 points each usually.
AP exam FRQ Score Grade in gradebook 5 = Extremely well qualified/ equivalent to A grades in the corresponding college course = Well qualified 4 are equivalent to grades of A–, B+, and B in college 88 3 = Qualified equivalent to grades of B–, C+, and C in college = Possibly qualified75 1 = No recommendation 60
Think of an FRQ as technical or professional geographic writing. 1. There is to be NO THESIS STATEMENT – this may be the hardest part for you. Just start writing your answer. 2. Answer the question you are asked to address. Look for the DO verbs >>. List, describe, evaluate, discuss, etc… and DO them when you write 3. Use BECAUSE in your answer if asked to list, define, etc… to maximize your points Example: The US is a federal type of state BECAUSE….
4. Extra information is not scored. If the question asks for 2 facts, give 3 if you can for some insurance. Don’t waste time alliterating your answer. Use the ‘plus 1’ rule… 5. Use the same format of lettering/numbering in your response that is presented in the prompt. THIS IS NOT A 5 PARAGRAPH PAPER…just write about what the prompt asks… EXAMPLE > FRQ > Define State and give a real world example > Answer > A state is the formal, recognized political territory of a group of people. Canada i s a State.
S E A writing method BE SURE TO… SEA it (State/Explain/Apply) State an answer, Explain the answer, Apply to a case study Because Use the “because” strategy for ID and explanation points. > The Kurds are considered a stateless nation BECAUSE they are a nation group that doesn’t have their own state/country.
FRQ summary 1.Don’t panic 2.Think geographically 3.Keep track of your time on a wristwatch or wall clock, you don’t always get a verbal time cue. 4.Help the reader find your answers - Assume the reader is tired from grading 150 essays in one day - Underline appropriate terms and Identify your FRQ parts such as 1A, 1B, 1C as you write…. 5.One last hint---and this comes up at every reading---ANSWER THE QUESTION
Review books….
APHG advice > Don’t get overwhelmed…. Separate the material >> Concepts vs Examples Concepts –(big ideas) "zoom out" to establish a concept (global scale) Examples –(places on the ground) "zoom in" towards an example and use facts, facts, facts (regional, local scale)
Keep Geographic Scale in your mind and in your answer…. ‘Change your scale, change your viewpoint’ > LOCAL >> REGIONAL >> GLOBAL
1. Dr. John Snow used geography to solve the mystery of the cholera outbreak which killed 500 people in 10 days in London in A. Define diffusion and explain how the concept accounts for cholera’s global distribution. (2) B. Identify 3 steps Dr. Snow took in his approach to try and solve the cholera problem. (3) C. List 2 of the patterns Dr. Snow noticed in his observations. (2) D. Explain how the concept of diffusion accounts for the outbreaks and pattern of deaths on a regional/ local scale in London of (3)
1A Diffusion is the spreading of something over a large area. Cholera exhibits contagious diffusion, that is, it spreads broadly without discretion. 1B To solve the cholera problem, Dr. Snow first mapped all recorded cases of cholera in his area, he then overlaid a map of city water pumps and noticed a pattern. He then checked on outlier cases and found special circumstances that would then fit his pattern. Finally, he had the suspected well removed and the problem was solved. 1C Two of the patterns noted were that cholera cases were centered around the Broad st. pump, and in outlier areas people had also drunk the Broad st. water. 1D The idea of diffusion applies to the cholera outbreak of 1854 because the outbreaks spread from the Broad st. pump into the surrounding area without discretion.
1. Dr. John Snow used geography to solve the mystery of the cholera outbreak which killed 500 people in 10 days in London in A. Define diffusion and explain how the concept accounts for cholera’s global distribution. (2) DIFFUSION: THE SPREAD OF A PHENOMENA. CHOLERA SPREAD BY CONTAGIOUS DIFFUSION ON A GLOBAL SCALE FROM INDIA TO OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD AND REGIONALLY AROUND THE AREA OF LONDON DURING THE OUTBREAK OF B. Identify 3 steps Dr. Snow took in his approach to try and solve the cholera problem. (3) EXAMPLES: FIELD STUDY, GATHER DATA, MAP THE PATTERNS, ANALYZE PATTERNS C. List 2 of the patterns Dr. Snow noticed in his observations. (2) PATTERNS: CLUSTERED AROUND BROAD ST., DISTANCE DECAY BASED ON PUMP LOCATION. D. Explain how the concept of diffusion accounts for the outbreaks and pattern of deaths on a regional/ local scale in London of (3) THE PHENOMENA OF CONTAGIOUS DIFFUSION CREATED MOST OF THE CLUSTER PATTERN AND CONCENTRATION OF CHOLERA CASES IN THE CITY OF LONDON. THERE WERE A FEW OUTLYING CASES THAT WERE ACCOUNTED FOR DUE TO USER MIGRATION.
1A Diffusion can be both good and bad. Defined as a spread of things through borders it can vastly affect everyones lives for better or worse. In 1854, cholera, a disease mostly settled in India somehow made its way to Europe and more specifically to London. 1B In these times people were almost certain that the disease was air borne – many except for one Dr. Snow. He was methodical in his conquest to try to figure out how this disease spread and how to stop it. First he graphed houses where cholera had struck and looked for similarities in the deaths. Second he establish and identified a pattern, all the dead were drinking from the same water pump. He later presented his theory to the board of health but was ultimately ignored. 1C During his investigation Dr. Snow realized 2 patterns: people that drank from the pump were getting sick and people that drank beer in the same area were perfectly fine. 1D Only people that drank from a certain pump would get sick, but no one clsed the pump so people were literally pumping cholera. After they grough ti to their home, the lived around it and continued to spread it around diffusing it to others.
Sample FRQs
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY FRQ ADVICE ‘See the arrow’….. #1 Don't Panic – This is the first rule of the universe! –When you see the question your first response may be “Oh my, I don’t remember this....." –You have one minute to think this and get over it. –Now, take a big breath. You know we have followed the outline and you can do this…. Read the question....break it down...figure out what can you answer and answer it..... Unfortunately, the answer will probably not be ’ ’42’ … ;-) –There may be context clues in the FRQ –Go answer another question and come back to this one, etc…
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY ADVICE #2 Always remember to "THINK GEOGRAPHICALLY". This is a geography test not a history test. Location, Scale (global/regional/loca l) and Time period are important.
1. Dr. John Snow used geography to solve the mystery of the cholera outbreak which killed 500 people in 10 days in London in A. Define diffusion and explain how the concept accounts for cholera’s global distribution. B. Identify 3 steps Dr. Snow took in his approach to try and solve the cholera problem. C. List 2 of the patterns Dr. Snow noticed in his observations. D. Explain how the concept of diffusion accounts for the outbreaks and pattern of deaths on a regional/ local scale in London of Underline the verbs in each part of the FRQ Circle the # of things you need to do Note the key terms!
1. Dr. John Snow used geography to solve the mystery of the cholera outbreak which killed 500 people in 10 days in London in A. Define diffusion and explain how the concept accounts for cholera’s global distribution. B. Identify 3 steps Dr. Snow took in his approach to try and solve the cholera problem. C. List 2 of the patterns Dr. Snow noticed in his observations. D. Explain how the concept of diffusion accounts for the outbreaks and pattern of deaths on a regional/ local scale in London of Underline the verbs in part of the each FRQ Circle the # of things you need to do and concepts to address Note the key terms!
5 minute Pre-write (stamp grade) –Make notes on your prompt sheet about what you will plan to write about for each part of the prompt. –Refer to your FRQ handouts and Cholera lesson as needed. 15 minute writing time –Circle/underline your A/B/C/ letters and terms to help the reader grade faster/easier –Always write your name and the FRQ # in the top right corner of each page you use. –ALWAYS USE PEN – BLUE OR BLACK, NO GLITTER… Turn in both your pre-write and FRQ
APHG Magic phrases TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE EDUCATION OF WOMEN DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE DEMOGRAPHICS > IMR, FT You can be more successful in APHG if you can work these concepts correctly into your FRQs…
The big nine ideas in geography are: Location - Where is it? Distribution - How is it arranged? Spatial association - This goes with that. Distance - How far is it? Region - Common ground Spatial interaction - How strongly related? Scale - How big is it? Movement - Where to next? Spatial change over time - Before and after Check out this Australian geography webpage for more on the nine concepts:
APHG advice > Don’t get overwhelmed…. Separate the material >> Concepts vs Examples Concepts –(big ideas) "zoom out" to establish a concept (global scale) Examples –(places on the ground) "zoom in" towards an example and use facts, facts, facts (regional, local scale)
Keep Geographic Scale in your mind and in your answer…. ‘Change your scale, change your viewpoint’ > LOCAL >> REGIONAL >> GLOBAL
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY ADVICE #3 Practice--Go to the College Board Web Site and look at the previous questions. Notice how they can be approached from different subject areas (they usually cover more than one topic). Go ahead and do and outline for 5 minutes. Then try writing a response in 20 minutes. Then look at the rubric and see if you hit the right points.
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY ADVICE #4 Assume the reader is is the end of the day...they have been grading since 8:00....Help the reader find the answer. –Label the different sections or at least start a new paragraph for each part of the question. –Underline appropriate terms. For example if the question asks for the definition of a nation......then underline the word nation so the reader can see..."Oh yes here is the definition."
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY ADVICE #5 One last hint---and this comes up at every reading---ANSWER THE QUESTION--don't ramble....yes it is better to try to answer the question instead of leaving it blank....but don't show off....if you have answered the question don't keep writing in order to tell the reader everything you have learned in APHG this year.
AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY ADVICE Which goes back to # 1 –Break the FRQ down –Answer each part from the geographic perspective (#2) –Help the reader know that this is your answer (#4).
Last minute APHG advice… The MCQ are norm referenced meaning that they will grade your test based on how well the overall group did ie…there may be a curve. MCQs = 50% Nail this if you are not so good at essays FRQs = 50% Nail your essays if you are not so good at objective tests Nail both and get a 5! OMITTING ANSWERS –+ 1 for each correct answer –.25 for each wrong answer -No answer = no score to a point… can leave 10 blank and still be okay. -If you miss 30 or so, your test will still be ‘scored’ ie you will get a 3 of 5 on the MCQs.
Agriculture/rural land use
Eco Development/Industry
Urban and Services