c2d Data flow diagram BCD from SSC Texas SAO Quality Analysis and Improved Calibrated Data Mapping team
c2d BCD products Data Contents BCDBasic calibrated data – dark-subtracted, linearized, flat-fielded, flux-calibrated Raw16-bit unreduced array data PmaskData quality flag image for calibration images associated with the DCE DmaskData quality flag image for the DCE LatentsLatent image prediction C-RayProbability of CR event for a pixel FlatFlat field divided into raw data DarkDark image subtracted from raw data LinearityLinearity correction factor
c2d IRAC calibration and characterization Characterize residual instrumental effects in Basic Calibrated Data (BCD). Monitor image quality in BCD. Provide Improved Calibrated Data (ICD). Work with Instrument Team (IT) at SAO and Instrument Support Team (IST) at SSC to implement improved processing. Provide feedback to c2d team on observing strategies. Deliver ICD to mapping teams in 2-4 days. Myers, Allen, Porras
c2d Zeroth level QA Is AOR complete? Are images uncorrupted? Did AOT execute correctly? Is pointing reconstruction correct? Do images in map overlap sufficiently? Are images in focus? Do images suffer from jitter? Are the images badly under or over exposed? Is the background level correct? Were there dark/flat calibration errors? Was there significant stray/scattered light? The SSC will do this checking for each BQD.
c2d Higher level QA Do simple image statistics. median, sigma flux distribution of extracted sources flux distribution of background pixels (may be able to access SSC BCD statistics) Monitor image quality over time – track changes in focus or PSF. Check cosmic ray, latent identification, etc. Create and maintain database with QA “scores” (statistics and image quality measures). Primary tools: IRAF/IDL and “QLVT” (or similar).
c2d Putting the “I” in ICD Improved dark subtraction or flat field division e.g. using different set of calibrator images. Improved cosmic ray detection, latents detection. e.g. experiment with detection/sensitivity thresholds. Improved astrometric solution. e.g. fits to 2MASS (better than SSC pipeline?) Primary tool: SAO pipeline (hear about later).
c2d Data volume Clouds 2 dithers x 4 bands x 2 (HDR) + 2 dithers x 4 bands) x 2320 pointings = 55,680 images Cores = 8500 images Stars = 2880 images BCD = 6.71 images x 3.5 Mbytes/image = 235 Gbytes Store on 2x 144 GB NetApp data disks
c2d Data rate Total of 67,000 images obtained over 2.5 years 1 IRAC PAO = 10 days == 17.4 PAO/yr == 43.5 PAO 67,000 images / 43.5 PAO = 1540 images/PAO = 154 images obtained per day assume 2 FTE’s == 77 images / day / person Volume = 540 Mbytes per day Transfer rate Texas SAO = 1.5 Mbytes/sec ???
c2d IRAC health & safety ~500 Housekeeping channels every 30 sec. Automatically delivered to SAO every 24 hrs, along with S/C command history and fault report. Automatic limit checking, statistics. Web report generated. Software already in place to do trending analysis, merging of cmd history and HK.