Longitudinal beam dynamic simulation of CTF3 (CL & CT) with MathCAD,Placet and Parmila and an initial bunch length measurement Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM1
Comparison between MathCAD, Placet and Parmila Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM2 1- The base program is MathCAD and focus on Longitudinal simulation and at the moment contains Wakefield effect and no space charge effect. 2- Parmila was used by Peter Urschütz to calculate beam after Injector(point A) and after girder 3(point B) and after first chicane(point C) and contains space charge effect and no Wakefield effect. 3- Placet model that Andrea Latina gave me starts from point C and was used for point D and E and contains Wakefield effect and no space charge effect.
Point A (after Injector) with Parmila Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM3
4 Point B with Parmila and MathCAD (without Wakefield effect)
Point C(after chicane) with Parmila and MathCAD(without Wakefield effect) Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM5
Point C with MathCAD with and without Wakefield effect Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM6
Point D(after Girder 15) with MathCAD and Placet Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM7
Point D with MathCAD with and without Wakefield effect Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM8
Point E with MathCAD with and without phase changing of Girder 15 Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM We changed the phase of Girder 15 by 20⁰. R56=0.45 here 9
Bunch length calculation per phase of Girder 15 in point E with MathCAD Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM10
Seyd Hamed Shaker,IPM11 Non-linearity between c∆t and ∆P/P and transverse correlation in Placet model
Calibration of device – RF Deflector Chicane optics & bunch length measurements Magnetic chicane (4 dipoles) RF Deflector Screen Betatron phase advance (cavity-profile monitor) Beta function at cavity and profile monitor Beam energy RF deflector phase RF deflector wavelength Deflecting Voltage Bunch length y0 yy Deflecting mode TM 11 RF deflector offRF deflector on 13/25A. Dabrowski, 17 October 2007 CTF3 Technical meetingBunch length monitoring
Measurement RF deflector 2007 Measurement method( “scan” method) Slide H. Shaker Change the 1.5 GHz RF deflector phase and measure the average intensity of a thin band on the middle of screen per each phase. The phase of RFD related to bunch length by c/f factor. (c is speed of light and f=1.5 GHz) Standard deviation * c/f = 2.84 ± 0.35 mm Phase of RFD (degree) Average Intensity
Measurement RF deflector “Single Image” method: 1) Measure the bunch length in monitor in pixel units for a single image 2) Calibrate the monitor by finding the equivalence between pixel unit and length unit (mm) by measuring the relationship between the center of the image position per RF deflector phase Advantage Advantage “Scan” method vs. “Single Image” method: Avoid non-linearity effects from the screen Image can be bigger than the screen (improved resolution)Disadvantage: Need to assume bunch shape remains constant during the scan Slide H. Shaker Example of Calibration curve for “Single Image” method ref. D.Alesini et al CTFF3-010 INFN
Measurement RF deflector 2007 Slide H. Shaker May 2007 Bunch length = 2.45 ± 0.28 mm Phase of MKS constant for 7 measurements, “Scan” method used December 2007 Example: Bunch 240 degrees MKS13 = 2.75 ± 0.27 mm Bunch Length (mm) Klystron 13 Phase (degree)