An Epic Love Story This story follows two people who wouldn’t have found each other if it were not for fate. Christopher Macintosh is a young man strait out of the slums of Northern Amsterdam. He aspires to be a writer and has always wanted to have a family. His dream girl is none other than Victoria Malone of the Amsterdam Malones. In his mind he knows that she is out of his league, but he just wants to talk to he and see if he has a shot. But the thing is, Christopher Macintosh is afraid of talking to people. Victoria is a privileged young woman from the Upper Eastside of Amsterdam. Her father is Bertholimule Malone is the richest man in Amsterdam and doesn’t believe anyone is worth his daughter’s heart. Victoria has loved Christopher from their only conversation when the were eight years old and he delivered their newspaper. She has wanted to find him but knew her father would not approve because she knew he was poor. After all these years she has been praying to find him just to know how he has been doing Christopher Victoria
Having the richest man in Amsterdam as a father has its perks and downfalls. He is gives me what ever I ask for but in return demands that I obey his every command. I don’t have a problem listening to my father but when wants to take control of my dating life I can’t comply with that. I love my father and I know he means well, but I want to choose who I fall in love and not be afraid of him ruining my relationship over his beliefs. Meeting
Christopher She is the only person I think about. I know she doesn’t feel the same way about me but I can’t help who I love. I know it sounds weird, but I have been following her around since the day we met 13 years ago because I didn’t know how to just talk to her but I still wanted to be around her. Her father will never approve of me because I am not of their social class, but I am willing to risk it all, even my life, for her. Meeting
It was a rainy day in Amsterdam when Christopher was walking down the street, unsure of where he was going, when he spotted her. Victoria was shopping in the Versace store when on an impulse, he walks in and imitates a store clerk to talk to her. She already knew who he was when he walk up to her, and she was excited to see him. Victoria didn’t know how to respond to him coming up to her after all these years, so she tried to play it cool. She soon start looking for shoes with the help of Christopher when an actual clerk asks them if they need help. Caught
Confusion in her eyes, Victoria gestures to Christopher and says “Oh, no thank you. Another worker is already helping me.” The clerk then replies with “He doesn’t work here, ma’am.” Victoria soon realizes that he knew who she was and just wanted to talk to her, she decided to look in his way only to see store door closing. He’s gone. She follows him
Once he found out his cover was blown, he runs out, taking her keys with him by accident. She runs after him when she found out he had them. She runs after him
She found him again down the block and asks him “Do you have my keys?” He replies with: Yeah, I think I do No, What are you talking about
He had them in his hand and hesitantly apologizes. From there he asks her out to a coffee date. She replies: You took my keys but, yeah we can do that I'm seeing someone right now
She runs back to the store and keeps searching for her keys. You never realize you had them till you get home and you lost that opportunity forever. All I can tell you is..
You gets no play boayyyyy! GAME OVER
They meet up 2 days after the incident and talk about the life they could have with each other. He brings up how her father wont let her live and that with him they could run away and make a wonderful living together. He asks to go back to his place after coffee and talk about it some more, the decision is in her hands now: Im really feeling you, but I don’t think were ready for this YOLO, Lets see where this takes us
You guys get drunk off of cheap wine and you wake up next to her the next day. You guys actually hit it off and it lasts, disregarding all the obstacles put in front of you. Next
You’re there looking stupid and the conversation got awkward. All I gotta say is…
Well done !