Hero’s Journey
Steps of the Journey Archetypes
Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Archetypes Hero Herald Threshold Guardian Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Journey Marks a transition from childhood to adulthood If Hero is an adult, they overcome a flaw, often one that is psychological
The Hero’s job is to…
Three Basic Types of Journeys Quest for the Elixir Slay the Dragon Rescue the Maiden
Quest for Elixir
Slay the Dragon
Rescue the Maiden
Hero Archetypes Herald Threshold Guardian Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Early Heroes Beowulf Theseus Hercules
Hero Divine Right of Kings
King Arthur
Hero Protagonist Noble Birth Often has a flaw that will be worked out during story CHARACTER ARC Special Ability from whom something has been taken feels something is lacking from the normal experiences available or permitted to the members of his society
Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
ORDINARY WORLD Hero in mundane surroundings At home At work
Call to Adventure Steps Ordinary World Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Call to Adventure Hero receives a call to adventure Call can be in many forms Odysseus – Calypso tells him he can go JAWS – phone call to Brody Wizard of OZ – Tornado Lion King – Nala tells Simba of pride’s misfortunes
Herald Archetypes Hero Threshold Guardian Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
HERALD Brings the news to the Hero Character Event Object
Refusal of the Call Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Refusal of the Call Hero refuses to go on adventure Internal External
Threshold Guardian Archetypes Hero Herald Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Threshold Guardians Aunt and Uncle in Harry Potter Fear of water in Jaws Uncle in Star Wars Guilt over father’s death – Lion King Distrust of Calypso - Odysseus
Meeting with the Mentor Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Meeting with the Mentor Mentor’s role is to get Hero to accept Call to Adventure Often teaches the Hero how to survive in Magical World Is often an older man or woman and was a Hero in his/her own story Usually dies or leaves so hero can face Shadow alone
Mentor Archetypes Hero Herald Threshold Guardian Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Mentor Mentor – Odysseus - Telemachus Obi Wan Kenobi Rafiki – Lion King Matt Hooper – Jaws Glinda – Wizard of Oz Fairy Godmother – Ashenputtle Cinderella Dumbledore – Harry Potter Morpheus – The Matrix
Special Weapon The Mentor often gives the Hero a special weapon or special knowledge This weapon is often what allows the Hero to complete their quest Perseus – Athena’s Shield and Herme’s Sword
Crossing the First Threshold Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Crossing the First Threshold Hero crosses from Ordinary World into Magical World Often crosses a special portal or boundary Platform 9 ¾ - Harry Potter Mos Eisley – Star Wars Landing in Oz Leaving Ogyia – Odysseus Wardrobe – Chronicles of Narnia
Tests, Allies and Enemies Hero learns about rules in Magical World Hero is REACTIVE Mentor trains Hero Hero is tested Watering Hole – Hero often meets potential allies and henchmen of the Shadow at a bar, restaurant, or similar type scene
Watering Hole Sorting Hat Ceremony – Harry Potter Space Port Bar – Star Wars Many feasts and sacrifices Simba learns to eat bugs A place to meet other archetypes such as Trickster, Shapeshifter, Sidekicks, and Henchmen
Your school’s Watering Hole?
Trickster Archetypes Hero Herald Threshold Guardian Mentor Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Trickster Provides comic relief Unpredictable Crazy Often gets Hero into trouble May be aligned with Hero, Shadow or Independent
Shapeshifter Archetypes Hero Herald Threshold Guardian Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Shapeshifter Difficult to determine the Shapeshifter’s allegiance Their allegiance often changes or appears to change Adds to dramatic tension Proteus Zeus Femme fatal in love stories
Shadow Archetypes Hero Herald Threshold Guardian Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Shadow Shadow often represents what the Hero fears in him/herself Quality of the Shadow is critical to success of the story Rival in love stories The Shadow character is normally filled with a huge amount of repressed energy and emotion, aspects of the protagonist that have festered from lack of expression.
Sidekicks Archetypes Hero Herald Threshold Guardian Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Sidekicks - Allies Hero’s helpers Trusted servant May have qualities of other Archetypes Trickster Shapeshifter
Henchmen Archetypes Hero Herald Threshold Guardian Mentor Trickster Shapeshifter Shadow Sidekicks Henchmen
Henchmen The Shadow’s helpers May be quite memorable characters
Approach to the Inmost Cave Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approach to the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Approach to the Inmost Cave Hero becomes PROACTIVE Hero gets his comrades together Hero makes plans Crossing of another threshold to go deeper into Magical World
Supreme Ordeal Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Supreme Ordeal Hero appears to die Hero witnesses death – often the Mentor dies here Hero causes death Hero faces Shadow or Shadow’s top Henchmen
Supreme Ordeal Sometimes the Supreme Ordeal is the finale. If so, the rest of the journey is as follows: Reward Return with the elixir
Reward Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Reward Hero gets the Elixir Rescues the maiden One last respite before finale If Hero loses Supreme Ordeal they escape
Road Back Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Road Back Shadow chases Hero to get Elixir back Hero chases Shadow to destroy him/her If Hero loses the Supreme Ordeal, she now rallies the troops and/or prepares to have one last battle with Shadow
Resurrection Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Resurrection Final showdown between Hero and Shadow Hero must face Shadow alone Death and rebirth of Hero – Hero must overcome character flaw in order to defeat the Shadow
Return with the Elixir Steps Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the First Threshold Test, Allies, and Enemies Approaching the Inmost Cave Supreme Ordeal Reward Road Back Resurrection Return with the Elixir
Return with the Elixir Hero returns to Ordinary World Rightful King takes place Balance is restored via return of the elixir Monster is slain Princess is returned Hero may be recognized by villagers Boy has become a man Girl has become a woman