Fracture mechanisms Ductile fracture Brittle fracture


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Presentation transcript:

Fracture mechanisms Ductile fracture Brittle fracture Occurs with plastic deformation Brittle fracture Occurs with Little or no plastic deformation Thus they are Catastrophic meaning they occur without warning!

Ductile vs Brittle Failure Very Ductile Moderately Brittle Fracture behavior: Large Moderate %Ra or %El Small • Ductile fracture is nearly always desirable! Ductile: warning before fracture Brittle: No warning

Example: Failure of a Pipe • Ductile failure: --one piece --large deformation • Brittle failure: --many pieces --small deformation Figures from V.J. Colangelo and F.A. Heiser, Analysis of Metallurgical Failures (2nd ed.), Fig. 4.1(a) and (b), p. 66 John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1987. Used with permission.

Moderately Ductile Failure • Evolution to failure: void nucleation void growth and linkage shearing at surface necking s fracture • Resulting fracture surfaces (steel) 50 mm Inclusion particles serve as void nucleation sites. From V.J. Colangelo and F.A. Heiser, Analysis of Metallurgical Failures (2nd ed.), Fig. 11.28, p. 294, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1987. (Orig. source: P. Thornton, J. Mater. Sci., Vol. 6, 1971, pp. 347-56.) 100 mm Fracture surface of tire cord wire loaded in tension. Courtesy of F. Roehrig, CC Technologies, Dublin, OH. Used with permission.

(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc (c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Figure 6.36 When a ductile material is pulled in a tensile test, necking begins and voids form – starting near the center of the bar – by nucleation at grain boundaries or inclusions. As deformation continues a 45° shear lip may form, producing a final cup and cone fracture

Ductile vs. Brittle Failure cup-and-cone fracture brittle fracture Adapted from Fig. 8.3, Callister 7e.

Brittle Failure Arrows indicate point at which failure originated Adapted from Fig. 8.5(a), Callister 7e.

(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc (c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Figure 6.40 The Chevron pattern in a 0.5-in.-diameter quenched 4340 steel. The steel failed in a brittle manner by an impact blow

Brittle Fracture Surfaces: Useful to examine to determine causes of failure • Intergranular (between grains) • Intragranular (within grains) 304 S. Steel (metal) Reprinted w/permission from "Metals Handbook", 9th ed, Fig. 633, p. 650. Copyright 1985, ASM International, Materials Park, OH. (Micrograph by J.R. Keiser and A.R. Olsen, Oak Ridge National Lab.) 316 S. Steel (metal) Reprinted w/ permission from "Metals Handbook", 9th ed, Fig. 650, p. 357. Copyright 1985, ASM International, Materials Park, OH. (Micrograph by D.R. Diercks, Argonne National Lab.) 160 mm 4 mm Polypropylene (polymer) Reprinted w/ permission from R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", (4th ed.) Fig. 7.35(d), p. 303, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1996. Al Oxide (ceramic) Reprinted w/ permission from "Failure Analysis of Brittle Materials", p. 78. Copyright 1990, The American Ceramic Society, Westerville, OH. (Micrograph by R.M. Gruver and H. Kirchner.) 3 mm 1 mm (Orig. source: K. Friedrick, Fracture 1977, Vol. 3, ICF4, Waterloo, CA, 1977, p. 1119.)

Failure Analysis – Failure Avoidance Most failure occur due to the presence of defects in materials Cracks or Flaws (stress concentrators) Voids or inclusions Presence of defects is best found before hand and they should be determined non-destructively X-Ray analysis Ultra-Sonic Inspection Surface inspection Magna-flux Dye Penetrant

Ideal vs Real Materials • Stress-strain behavior (Room Temp): TS << TS engineering materials perfect s e E/10 E/100 0.1 perfect mat’l-no flaws carefully produced glass fiber typical ceramic typical strengthened metal typical polymer • DaVinci (500 yrs ago!) observed... -- the longer the wire, the smaller the load for failure. • Reasons: -- flaws cause premature failure. -- Larger samples contain more flaws! Reprinted w/ permission from R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials", (4th ed.) Fig. 7.4. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1996.

Considering Temperature Effects • Increasing temperature... --increases %EL and Kc • Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT)... FCC metals (e.g., Cu, Ni) BCC metals (e.g., iron at T < 914°C) polymers Impact Energy Brittle More Ductile High strength materials ( s y > E/150) Adapted from Fig. 8.15, Callister 7e. Temperature Ductile-to-brittle transition temperature

Flaws are Stress Concentrators! Results from crack propagation Griffith Crack Model: where t = radius of curvature of crack tip so = applied stress sm = stress at crack tip t Stress concentrated at crack tip Adapted from Fig. 8.8(a), Callister 7e.

Concentration of Stress at Crack Tip Adapted from Fig. 8.8(b), Callister 7e.

Engineering Fracture Design • Avoid sharp corners! s r/h sharper fillet radius increasing w/h 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Stress Conc. Factor, K t s max o = r , fillet radius w h o s max max is the concentrated stress in the narrowed region Adapted from G.H. Neugebauer, Prod. Eng. (NY), Vol. 14, pp. 82-87 1943.)

Crack Propagation deformed region Cracks propagate due to sharpness of crack tip A plastic material deforms at the tip, “blunting” the crack. deformed region brittle Energy balance on the crack Elastic strain energy- energy is stored in material as it is elastically deformed this energy is released when the crack propagates creation of new surfaces requires (this) energy plastic

When Does a Crack Propagate? Crack propagates if applied stress is above critical stress where E = modulus of elasticity s = specific surface energy a = one half length of internal crack Kc = sc/s0 For ductile materials  replace gs by gs + gp where gp is plastic deformation energy i.e., sm > sc or Kt > Kc

Section 6.10 Fracture Mechanics Fracture mechanics - The study of a material’s ability to withstand stress in the presence of a flaw. Fracture toughness - The resistance of a material to failure in the presence of a flaw.

(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc (c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Figure 6.30 Schematic drawing of fracture toughness specimens with (a) edge and (b) internal flaws

(c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc (c)2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Figure 6.31 The fracture toughness Kc of a 3000,000psi yield strength steel decreases with increasing thickness, eventually leveling off at the plane strain fracture toughness Klc

Fracture Toughness ) (MPa · m K 0.5 Ic K1c – plane strain stress concentration factor – with edge crack; A Material Property we use for design, developed using ASTM Std: ASTM E399 - 09 Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness K Ic of Metallic Materials Graphite/ Ceramics/ Semicond Metals/ Alloys Composites/ fibers Polymers 5 K Ic (MPa · m 0.5 ) 1 Mg alloys Al alloys Ti alloys Steels Si crystal Glass - soda Concrete Si carbide PC 6 0.7 2 4 3 10 <100> <111> Diamond PVC PP Polyester PS PET C-C (|| fibers) 0.6 7 100 Al oxide Si nitride C/C ( fibers) Al/Al oxide(sf) Al oxid/SiC(w) Al oxid/ZrO (p) Si nitr/SiC(w) Glass/SiC(w) Y O /ZrO Composite reinforcement geometry is: f = fibers; sf = short fibers; w = whiskers; p = particles. Addition data as noted (vol. fraction of reinforcement): 1. (55vol%) ASM Handbook, Vol. 21, ASM Int., Materials Park, OH (2001) p. 606. 2. (55 vol%) Courtesy J. Cornie, MMC, Inc., Waltham, MA. 3. (30 vol%) P.F. Becher et al., Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol. 7, Plenum Press (1986). pp. 61-73. 4. Courtesy CoorsTek, Golden, CO. 5. (30 vol%) S.T. Buljan et al., "Development of Ceramic Matrix Composites for Application in Technology for Advanced Engines Program", ORNL/Sub/85-22011/2, ORNL, 1992. 6. (20vol%) F.D. Gace et al., Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., Vol. 7 (1986) pp. 978-82.

Fatigue behavior: • Fatigue = failure under cyclic stress tension on bottom compression on top counter motor flex coupling specimen bearing (Fig. 8.18 is from Materials Science in Engineering, 4/E by Carl. A. Keyser, Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.) s max min time m S • Stress varies with time. -- key parameters are S (stress amplitude), sm, and frequency • Key points when designing in Fatigue inducing situations: -- fatigue can cause part failure, even though smax < sc. -- fatigue causes ~ 90% of mechanical engineering failures. Because of its importance, ASTM and ISO have developed many special standards to assess Fatigue Strength of materials

Figure 8.8 Fatigue corresponds to the brittle fracture of an alloy after a total of N cycles to a stress below the tensile strength.

Fatigue Design Parameters • Fatigue limit, Sfat: --no fatigue failure if S < Sfat Fatigue Limit is defined in: ASTM D671 Sfat case for steel (typ.) N = Cycles to failure 10 3 5 7 9 unsafe safe S = stress amplitude Adapted from Fig. 8.19(a), Callister 7e. • However, Sometimes, the fatigue limit is zero! Adapted from Fig. 8.19(b), Callister 7e. case for Al (typ.) N = Cycles to failure 10 3 5 7 9 unsafe safe S = stress amplitude

For metals other than Ferrous alloys, F. S For metals other than Ferrous alloys, F.S. is taken as the stress that will cause failure after 108 cycles

Fatigue Mechanism • Cracks in Material grows incrementally typ. 1 to 6 increase in crack length per loading cycle crack origin • Failed rotating shaft --crack grew even though Kmax < Kc --crack grows faster as • Ds increases • crack gets longer • loading freq. increases. Adapted from from D.J. Wulpi, Understanding How Components Fail, American Society for Metals, Materials Park, OH, 1985.

Figure 8.11 An illustration of how repeated stress applications can generate localized plastic deformation at the alloy surface leading eventually to sharp discontinuities.

Improving Fatigue Life 1. Impose a compressive surface stresses (to suppress surface crack growth) N = Cycles to failure moderate tensile s m Larger tensile S = stress amplitude near zero or compressive Increasing m Adapted from Fig. 8.24, Callister 7e. --Method 1: shot peening put surface into compression shot --Method 2: carburizing C-rich gas 2. Remove stress concentrators. Adapted from Fig. 8.25, Callister 7e. bad better

Figure 8.20 Comparison of (a) cyclic fatigue in metals and (b) static fatigue in ceramics.

SUMMARY • Engineering materials don't reach theoretical strength. • Flaws produce stress concentrations that cause premature failure. • Sharp corners produce large stress concentrations and premature failure. • Failure type depends on T and stress: - for noncyclic s and T < 0.4Tm, failure stress decreases with: - increased maximum flaw size, - decreased T, - increased rate of loading. - for cyclic s: - cycles to fail decreases as Ds increases. - for higher T (T > 0.4Tm): - time to fail decreases as s or T increases.