United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Gender Budgeting UNECE Statistical Division
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2 Gender Budgeting What budget? From accounting to planning Versus a output/result-based budgeting Gender Budgeting
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3 Gender Budgeting What budget? Government agencies are requested to present their documents requesting funds and reporting on use of funds in terms of: Inputs Outputs Outcome Gender Budgeting
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4 Gender Budgeting What budget? Inputs reflect what is purchased with the budget allocations so as to be able to undertake activities. Outputs reflect what is ‘delivered’ by activities. Outcomes reflect the ‘results’ of the activities. Gender Budgeting
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5 How to engender the budget? 1. Input, output and outcome indicators can be presented in sex-disaggregated form 2. Gender-relevant indicators can be considered even if they are not necessarily sex-disaggregated (example: maternal mortality) Gender Budgeting
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6 How to engender the budget? Example: development of a programme to train unemployment persons Input: number of unemployed persons by sex Output: number of trained persons by sex Outcome: number of employed person by sex Gender Budgeting
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7 Some tools for gender budget Gender-disaggregated Public Expenditure Incidence Analysis: estimating the distribution/reduction of budget resources among women and men: cost unit multiplied by number of people in the sub- population group (women/men, women/men by different age, …) Gender-disaggregated Beneficiary Assessments: surveys/focus groups to find out how men and women evaluate whether public services meet their needs and how public resources reflect their priorities Gender Budgeting
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 Some tools to these indicators to make a gender analysis? Gender-disaggregated Revenue Incidence Analysis: relative amount of direct and indirect taxes and/or other fees paid by women as opposed to men Gender-disaggregated Beneficiary Assessments: incorporating gender analysis into the medium-term public expenditure planning. Example: labour supply by sex, inclusion of new indicators on unpaid work Gender Budgeting
- UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9 Thank you !