V&E #14 Primary Elections How do we choose the party’s candidate?
Quick Review: Copy, if you wish.. 1.The 19 th amendment enfranchised African American males. 2.Many eligible voters do not vote because they are lazy. 3.One way to predict how someone will vote is by party identification. 4.The generation gap is the difference in political beliefs between men and women. 5.One way in which states tried to stop people from voting was the poll tax.
Primary Elections Each political party must pick ONE person to become the nominee (formal candidate chosen to run for office) Republicans choose among… Rudy Guiliani Fred Thompson John McCain Mitt Romney Mike Huckabee
Primary Ballots In primaries, vote for one party ONLY Ballot only has one party on it Democratic Presidential Candidates Pick only one. Chris Dodd Joe Biden Barack Obama Mike Gravel Dennis Kucinich Hillary Clinton OROR Republican Presidential Candidates Pick only one. Sam Brownbeck John McCain Fred Thompson Rudy Guiliani Mitt Romney Mike Huckabee
Registered Democrats' choice for nominee for 2008* Clinton 39% Obama 20% Edwards 15% Gore 13% Richardson 4% Kucinich 3% Biden 2% Gravel 1% Dodd ** Who’s Winning? Latest Polls (October) Do NOT copy Registered Republicans' choice for nominee for 2008* Giuliani 27% F. Thompson 26% McCain 14% Romney 10% Gingrich 6% Huckabee 4% Tancredo 2% Brownback 1% Hunter 1% Paul 1%
Primary Calendar Each state holds primary elections on different days from Jan – June Historically: 1.Iowa 2.New Hampshire Frontloading: More states are trying to hold their primary 1 st to gain more attention from the candidates, set the trend, and possibly determine the nominee
Super Tuesday ! Many (15-20) states vote on the same day, Tues in Feb, to have a large impact on nominee CA votes on this day
1. Should all primaries be held on the same day? V&E #16: Campaign Continues!
Primary Types Open Primary : –Vote for any party you want –Adv: –Dis: Closed Primary –Vote only for the party you registered with –Adv –Dis
The nominee is… After the people in each state vote in the primary elections, each party (RNC & DNC) holds a National Convention: –Held every 4 years, during summer before pres. election –the nominee is officially chosen –Party platform is changed
In the fall… 1 R & 1 D nominee campaign against each other November: –General Election –General Election: determines the winner of the election –Presidential general election have the highest voter turnout
Electoral College Each state gives all of its electoral votes (same as # send to Congress) to winner of popular vote: –3,000,000 R –3,000,001 D –D receives all the state’s electoral votes –CA = 55 EV Winner must get 270 EV
1.Which one of these ballots is for a general election? Which one is for a primary? 2.How can you tell the difference? Ballot A Vote for one (1) of the following candidates: □ John Edwards (D) □ Hillary Clinton (D) □ Chris Dodd (D) □ Joe Biden (D) □ Barack Obama (D) Ballot B Vote for one (1) of the following candidates: □ John McCain (R) □ Hillary Clinton (D) □ Ralph Nader (Green) □ Joe Smith (Libertarian)