Hillsgrove Primary School Old Bexley Hillsgrove Partnership
Hillsgrove Primary School
Our Profile Hillsgrove Primary School is a: Two form entry Primary School situated near Welling in Bexley. 24% of our intake are FSM, however there are year groups where this much higher (In one case 35%) 14% of our intake are on the SEN register. 18% of our intake are EAL. We have an ASD Provision for 8 children. There was significant turnover of teaching staff between 2012 and 2014 (71% / 12/17), however the staffing is now more stable with only one change of teacher for September 2014.
Academic Successes RESULTS KS1 Year 1 Phonics attainment showed significant improvement and is now above National. Year 2 Reading Attainment at 2A+ / L3 was Sig+ Year 2 Maths Attainment was well above National and Sig+ at 2A+ / L3 KS2 Year 6 Writing Attainment was a Sig+ at L5+ FSM children were closing the gap and above National. Year 6 Maths Attainment was above National. Year 6 SPAG Attainment was above National. 2L and 3L Progress was significantly above National for Reading and Writing
School Improvement Plan Our Focus for : To develop further middle management. To reduce further high level absentees To develop further standardise classroom expectations Improving Standards in writing at KS1 Improving Standards in Reading at KS2 Closing Gaps for Pupil Premium and SEN Pupils Improving Progress in Maths at KS2
Successes Awards: Science Quality Mark Silver 2013 – Awarded by Simon Mayo following a huge overhaul of the subject by our Subject Leader. London Healthy Schools Silver 2014 – Awarded by Boris Johnson, celebrating a huge increase in Physical Activity and work on Pastoral Care by the school. Eco Schools Silver Award 2014 – Awarded following extensive work to reduce Energy expenditure and develop our Eco Council.
Successes Awards: Sports Mark Gold Achieved as a result of: -Increasing Extended Schools Sports attendance to over 80% of children (Year 1-6) -Increased and effective Club links. -Increased inter and Intra school competitive fixtures in a wide range of sports. -Developed GT activities and NEW Cricket Academy for 2014!
Partnership Benefits Developed our approach to Feedback and Success Criteria as part of QEF. Enabled improved Support and training for our NQTs. Created positive links at Head, Deputy and Governor level across the schools. Supported moderation across schools.