Hosted by Ms. Gharda
Plot DetailsName that Character Literary Devices Name that Author
Row 1, Col 1 At the beginning of A Streetcar Named Desire, we are confronted by Stanley’s brute force when he heaves this up at Stella. What is a hunk of meat?
1,2 The wildness of this setting where Cathy and Heathcliff play becomes a symbol of her love for him. What are the moors at Wuthering Heights?
1,3 In order to make Kurtz’s mistress feel better, Marlowe tells her Kurtz’s last words were this rather than this. What is her name rather than “The horror! The horror!”?
1,4 Holden Caulfield writes a descriptive essay for Stradlater about this object. What is his deceased brother Allie’s baseball mitt?
1,5 What is the old court jester Yorick’s skull? Hamlet is moved when he finds this in a cemetery right before learning of Ophelia’s death.
2,1 Mersault’s girlfriend in this book. Who is Marie Cardona in The Stranger?
2,2 Macbeth’s best friend who later comes back to haunt him as a ghost. Who is Banquo?
2,3 The narrator of Heart of Darkness Who is Marlow?
2,4 In Woman Warrior, the names of the narrator’s mother and aunt illustrating how they act as foils to one another. Who are Moon Orchid and Brave Orchid?
2,5 This girl was blamed for William’s death before it was discovered that the murder was committed by the creature. Who is Justine Moritz?
3,1 Who is Mary Shelley? Frankenstein
3,2 Who is Tennessee Williams? A Streetcar Named Desire
3,3 Who is Emily Bronte? Wuthering Heights
3,4 Who is Franz Kafka? “The Metamorphosis”
3, 5 Who is Joseph Conrad? Heart of Darkness
4,1 Iago transforms this object from being a symbol of Othello’s love for Desdemona to a sign of her infidelity with Cassio. What is the handkerchief?
4,2 What is paradox? “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” This device is utilized here to at first baffle the reader’s understanding, but upon exploring the conspiracies and betrayals that fill Macbeth, one realizes that the seemingly contradictory statement is true.
4,3 In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. What is asyndeton?
4,4 A 14-line poem split in two, an octave and a sestet. What is an Italian, or Petrarchan sonnet?
4,5 Edgar Linton’s mild manners and gentle ways serve as a contrast to further define Heathcliff as a passionate and sometimes cruel Byronic hero, making Edgar Heathcliff’s ________. What is foil?