Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Today is Monday March 23 DAY 1
Girls Who Code Club MISSION: Girls Who Code programs work to inspire, educate, and equip girls with the computing skills to pursue 21st century opportunities. Meeting: Monday, March 23 at 2:45 Collaboration Room
GCI members - please check Edmodo for two upcoming ENCOUNTERS. See Ms. McNulty with any questions. GCI members - please check Edmodo for two upcoming ENCOUNTERS. See Ms. McNulty with any questions.
The students attending the Italy and Greece trip this summer will be meeting in Ms. Day’s room on Monday, March 23rd. The meeting should last around 30 minutes.
Students going to the state PJAS competition must turn in their 3 completed medical forms by the end of the day tomorrow. Give them to Mrs. Benedik in Room G24.
Boots will not be permitted to be worn after Friday, March 13.
A message from Mr. Flohr: Attention Seniors: With the change in the weather Getting Ready for College - Surviving the 1st Semester, Mon Mar 23, Fri Mar 27, Mon Mar 30 2:45 to 4:45. Cost $40. GRFC covers intensive time management, heavy reading assts, large group lectures and pressure testing. Please turn in check (c/o Mr. Flohr) to main office.
OAKLAND CATHOLIC STUDENTS You are cordially invited to join the CCHS Ping Pong club!! CCHS Table Tennis Club Coach/Sponsor: Mark Krotec Activity Descriptor: Based on student interest, the following options are available: Individual Round Robin Pool Play- includes weekly ranking updates, awards, etc. Play Wednesdays + Thursdays 3-5. Team Play: players draft teams and compete in a league format. Personal training/coaching. Interscholastic play – possible matches against other schools. Entry to our POTTC league play, and new POTTC Junior Play. The POTTC is poised to initiate a Junior Table Tennis Venue. Players under 18 years of age are invited to take advantage of a choice of: 1. Match play 2. Clinic-style training 3. Personal coaching.