Kick-off Meeting ISPAVE, Rome, Italy Monday February 28 th 2005 V IRO T ICA Co-ordination of Research on Genetic Resistance to Plant Pathogenic Viruses, and their Vectors, in European Crops Work Package 1 (Project Management & Further Development) Dr. Mark Pullinger, Chalex Research Ltd.
Objectives of WP1 Project co-ordination and development To enable network cohesion and co-operation To co-ordinate and manage project’s resources Responsible for travel budget for all participants To monitor progress of the co-ordination action Tasks Deliverables Milestones To report on the project to the EC To establish communications between project partners Project web site Project newsletter
Summary of V IRO T ICA meetings Meeting locations agreed in advance Kick-offISPAVE, Rome (M1.1)Feb ’05 February 28 th and March 1 st M6 meetingUniversity of Ankara, TurkeyJun ’05 June 7 th and 8 th M12 meetingNIAB, UK (M1.3)Jan ’06 Mid-termCSIC-CEBAS, Madrid (M1.4)Jul ’06 M24 meetingICGEB, Trieste, Italy (M1.5)Jan ’07 M30 meetingUniversity of Bonn, GermanyJul ’07 ConferenceToledo, SpainOct ‘’07 Final meetingINRA, Bordeaux, France (M1.6)Jan ’08 All minutes to be written & submitted to EC by Chalex, ICGEB and CSIC (D47.1 – D47.7)
WP1 deliverables D1Consortium agreement signedMonth 1Chalex Still awaiting some copies D3Project web site onlineMonth 2Quadrate Draft to be discussed today Main means of communication - Some areas will be password protected Please send comments to Quadrate on: Content Layout Style D5First 6M management reportMonth 7Chalex Input from all partners Final approval from CSPs D14Annual reportMonth 13Chalex
WP1 deliverables (2) D28Annual reportMonth 25Chalex D32Second 6M management reportMonth 31Chalex D41Final report and PUDKMonth 36Chalex D47.xMeeting minutesMonth 1, 6…Chalex, CSPs Chalex to minute Management Steering Board ICGEB/CSIC to minute Management Board (aided by Chalex) D48.xProject newsletterMonths 3, 6…Chalex Quarterly publications First one due Month 3 Please send relevant input to Chalex for inclusion: Company news Publications Patents Anything of interest to community
Consortium agreement Why a consortium agreement? Not obligatory for FOOD co-ordination actions Have agreed to prepare one (D1) Due Month 1 Content of agreement Specifies terms of agreement for next three years Drawn up by Chalex and circulated to all members Based on model agreement for IPs/NoEs, but simplified Successfully used in previous CAs Deals with payment scheduling, resolution of disputes, etc.
Current status of agreement Most copies received 44 copies received, five outstanding Please return outstanding copies ASAP Signed copies available for members’ records Procedure One copy to be sent to Commission, one to members Allows payment to be made to all members once money received
Any questions? Comments, suggestions, queries?