Ancient Roman Drinks Cultural History Presentation Mr. Kos March 22, 2013
Location The Tiber River 18 miles inland from the Mediterranean Sea Today the country of Italy in southern Europe At its peak, the Roman Empire extended across Europe, Africa, and into Asia
Time Period Last foreign King removed in 519 BCE Dominant Empire during the birth of Christianity 295 CE – Empire begins to split 476 CE – Western Roman Empire collapses
Drinks and Drinking Vessels Drinking vessels were made from clay, glass, silver, gold, or precious jewels The Detroit Institute of Art
Roman Mystery Drink #1 This was most common consumed heated, mixed with honey, spiced, and watered down MULSUM …like substitute without alcohol It was the most commonly consumed drink of the upper class of Rome
Roman Mystery Drink #2 This would have been the more common drink of the Roman lower class (Plebeians) PASCA Similar to watered-down vinegar
Roman Mystery Drink #3 This would never be consumed as it was only consumed by the uncivilized MILK Drinks from animals were thought of as “barbaric”