Status of Climate Change 2013 CaTee Conference San Antonio 2013
Menu for Today IPCC 2013: Assessment Report #5 Facts about Climate Change Who will Win, Who will Lose What Needs to be Done
IPCC #5 No great surprises - Sharper language Uncertainties are still large Essentially no change in Projections except Sea Level Change expected higher than #4 No Change for Hurricanes, Severe Weather – still very uncertain Ocean Acidification more certain, probably more serious
Facts about Climate Change
About 0.8 o C per century
Ten Year Climatology from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Climate Change: The arid subtropics will expand
IPCC #5 future Climate Change
Oceans become More Acidic due to Dissolving CO 2
Winners & Losers
Managed vs. Unmanaged Systems
Which sectors are growing? From: The Climate Casino by William Nordhaus, 2013
What Needs to be Done
Sources of the CO 2 From: The Climate Casino by William Nordhaus, 2013
Conclusions Climate is changing, no doubt It will get warmer, more arid in most subtropical areas: water problems Ocean will get more acidic: extinctions Mitigation is imperative, but adaptation must play a role Coal burning is the main emitter of CO 2 world-wide We need market mechanisms to curb it Poor countries will suffer most because of vulnerabilities: migration, war The really difficult problem is with problems that involve values we cherish, but cannot be quantified.