doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide 1 IEEE 802 Wireless Coexistence TAG Proposal Jim Lansford (405) Tim Blaney (530)
doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide 2 History SG approved March 2001 –Presentations at Plenary and Interims –Proposed organization developed at Portland plenary Rules change for SC was recommended September meeting was cancelled –Study group extension motion missed in Austin Extenuating circumstances Meeting as BoF at Dallas interim and St. Louis plenary –LMSC rule change not desired – TAG preferred Attendance has consistently shown strong interest (40+ attendees at each BoF)
doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide 3 Goals of COEX TAG A committee that reviews and makes coexistence recommendations to ExCom on current or proposed PARs and WG draft standards within the established wireless WGs of the IEEE802 standards body –The functional charter of this new group is to address the wireless coexistence issues across all wireless WGs –Chartered to write guidelines for addressing coexistence of draft standards prior to sponsor ballot
doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide 4 Functional Charter Discussion First order of business: Define Coexistence and the Recommended Procedures for establishing whether a draft has adequately addressed coexistence –For example, a WG should develop a set of usage models and demonstrate through analysis or simulation the impact of the proposed standard on other approved IEEE wireless standards This group is responsible for reviewing all unlicensed wireless proposed PARs –The group generates a report to ExCom relative to coexistence with published wireless standards and those in the development process –This report shall be used by ExCom as a technical expert opinion for evaluating the proposed PAR This group is responsible for generating a final conformance report of the Draft Standard prior to Sponsor Ballot –This report will be presented to the sponsoring WG and ExCom and a copy will be sent to the Chairs of all other wireless WGs within IEEE802 –Evaluates the Draft Standard against the Recommended Procedures for Coexistence
doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide COEX Proposed Procedures Membership & Voting –Attendance at the 802 COEX Tag meetings is open to registered attendees –WG chairs are members ex officio –WG chairs designate official liaisons (3) –Attendees: attendance at first meeting grants membership –TAG follows WG rules after that –Attendance at 802 COEX TAG meetings will count towards attendance at the individual’s primary WG WG chairs would have to agree to this Ratification of guidelines –A guideline requires a 75% approval vote by the members of the 802 COEX TAG as outlined above –The guideline is then presented to ExCom and the appropriate wireless WG(s) Minority opinion summary would be included
doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide 6 Possible 802 COEX TAG Structure Membership by WG rules Credit for own WG attendance, if WG chair allows TAG Membership
doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide 7 Motion Motion to create an Coexistence Technical Advisory Group (TAG) under the LMSC rules with the proposed functional charter. –Moved: –Seconded: –Vote:
doc.: IEEE COEX-01/014r0 Submission July 2001 Jim Lansford, Mobilian, Tim Blaney, CommceptsSlide 8 Backup: What is a TAG? Rules: