Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery Terry Schlossberg The Presbyterian Coalition Sue Cyre Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry
GA Calls for Discernment Process Amendment B – “Presbyteries are strongly encouraged to consider this overture using a process of listening and discernment” (p. 5 of 48)
PUP Report Calls For Discernment Processes Recommendation #4 of PUP “those who plan and moderate meetings of other governing bodies, to explore the use of alternative forms of discernment preliminary to decision-making, especially in dealing with potentially divisive issues.…”
Guidelines for Communal Discernment by Victoria Curtiss “Values, concerns, hopes, and fears are named more than positions…Common direction is sought through cooperation and collaboration” Communal Discernment is consensus decision-making by another name
Communal Discernment Involves “Lay aside all biases and blocks to the Holy Spirit, …being willing to consider new ideas and being obedient to the results…” p.6 “Lay aside all biases and blocks to the Holy Spirit, …being willing to consider new ideas and being obedient to the results…” p.6 “Speaking with a united voice depends on waiting long enough to receive a common sense of leading” p.6 “Speaking with a united voice depends on waiting long enough to receive a common sense of leading” p.6 If disagreement is a matter of preference, release your viewpoint to those gathered and do not stand in the way” p. 6 If disagreement is a matter of preference, release your viewpoint to those gathered and do not stand in the way” p. 6
Parliamentary Process “At its worst, consensus decision-making is manipulative and overpowering to the rights of the minority because it compels the minority to ‘break the unity of the body’ in order to disagree.” * * From Parliamentary Process by Marianne Wolfe published by PCUSA and on the pc-biz resource page for 218 th GA, p.4-5
Rights of individual members under parliamentary process Right to know Right to know Right to speak Right to speak Right to vote Right to vote “Recent moves to adopt consensus decision- making are antithetical to…the basic rights of individuals as listed above and should never be used except in the most routine of parliamentary transactions.” Wolfe, p. 4
Parliamentary Process “Decisions taken by majority vote do not reflect “truth” but, rather, the search for “truth.” Majority rule in this understanding need not be thought of as a ”win/lose” situation.”* * Wolfe, p. 4
Guidelines say of Parliamentary Process Parliamentary procedure is helpful when: Dealing with routine business Dealing with routine business Issue has near or full consensus Issue has near or full consensus Participants comfortable with parliamentary process Participants comfortable with parliamentary process Group is willing to accept majority rule Group is willing to accept majority rule
Guidelines claim “Discernment” helpful when: Dealing with significant matters that affect the whole body Dealing with significant matters that affect the whole body Sizable minority or range of views is present Sizable minority or range of views is present Persistent and substantial division exists Persistent and substantial division exists
Discernment vs. Parliamentary 1. Seek common direction—unity 2. Honor all voices equates with all opinions equally true 3. Coerce minority seeking unity 4. Explore options and build consensus 1. Seek truth 2. Honor all people but recognize that some opinions may be false 3. Protect minority voice 4. Evaluate two options and vote seeking truth
Book of Order Requirement “Meetings of governing bodies, commissions, and committees shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order….” “Meetings of governing bodies, commissions, and committees shall be conducted in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order….”G
Preparing to Defeat Amendment B in Your Presbytery Contact: Terry Schlossberg The Presbyterian Coalition Sue Cyre Presbyterians for Faith, Family and Ministry