UPDATED SECRETARIAL OPTIONS Use of Technology to Reduce the Burdon on Chapter Secretaries 2014
The standard duties of a secretary are: Record and keep minutes of all chapter meetings along with attendance (may be stored on website) You are a corresponding officer for your chapter (May be stored on website) Distribute the minutes to the chapter after a meeting by reading at the next meeting (No need to distribute – available on demand on website) Maintain and archive policies and procedures of the chapter – use Robert’s Rules of Order and Parliamentary Law and Protocol
Other Duties Record new slate of officers for current year by using the F-7 form or by internet input by going to or Record delegates and alternates for current year for State Convention by using the form F-42 on our website or downloading the form and mailing to the Federation Secretary (No paper work required with website) In the absence of an actual parliamentarian, you may be asked to do this job – if so you will need to read your by-laws and use the Robert’s Rules of Order (No longer required – Provided by Convention Registrar & Credentials Chair) Furnish delegates and alternates with credentials for State Convention (No longer required if stored on our website) Maintain record books containing: Bylaws, special rules of order, standing rules, and minutes and have the current record books on hand at meetings.