1 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) CPRE 583 Reconfigurable Computing Lecture 24: Wed 12/8/2010 (Map, Place & Route) Instructor: Dr. Phillip Jones Reconfigurable Computing Laboratory Iowa State University Ames, Iowa, USA
2 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) HW3: finishing up (hope to release this evening) will be due Fri12/17 midnight. Two lectures left –Fri 12/3: Synthesis and Map –Wed 12/8: Place and Route Two class sessions for Project Presentations –Fri 12/10 –Wed 12/15 (9 – 10:30 am) Take home final given on Wed 12/15 due 12/17 5pm Announcements/Reminders
3 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Initial Project Proposal Slides (5-10 slides) Project team list: Name, Responsibility (who is project leader) –Team size: 3-4 (5 case-by-case) Project idea Motivation (why is this interesting, useful) What will be the end result High-level picture of final product High-level Plan –Break project into mile stones Provide initial schedule: I would initially schedule aggressively to have project complete by Thanksgiving. Issues will pop up to cause the schedule to slip. –System block diagrams –High-level algorithms (if any) –Concerns Implementation Conceptual Research papers related to you project idea
4 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) FPL FPT FCCM FPGA DAC ICCAD Reconfig RTSS RTAS ISCA Projects Ideas: Relevant conferences Micro Super Computing HPCA IPDPS
5 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Initial Project Proposal Slides (5-10 slides) Project team list: Name, Responsibility (who is project leader) Project idea Motivation (why is this interesting, useful) What will be the end result High-level picture of final product High-level Plan –Break project into mile stones Provide initial schedule: I would initially schedule aggressively to have project complete by Thanksgiving. Issues will pop up to cause the schedule to slip. –System block diagrams –High-level algorithms (if any) –Concerns Implementation Conceptual Research papers related to you project idea
6 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Final Project Presentation (12-15 slides) Project team list: Name, Responsibility (who is project leader) Project idea Motivation (why is this interesting, useful) High-level picture of final product Implementation –System block diagrams –High-level algorithms (if any) Lessons learned –Design issue realizations –Implementation issues Research papers related to you project idea
7 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Weekly Project Updates The current state of your project write up –Even in the early stages of the project you should be able to write a rough draft of the Introduction and Motivation section The current state of your Final Presentation –Your Initial Project proposal presentation (Due Fri 10/22). Should make for a starting point for you Final presentation What things are work & not working What roadblocks are you running into
8 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Teams Formed and Idea: Mon 10/11 –Project idea in Power Point 3-5 slides Motivation (why is this interesting, useful) What will be the end result High-level picture of final product –Project team list: Name, Responsibility High-level Plan/Proposal: Fri 10/22 –Power Point 5-10 slides System block diagrams High-level algorithms (if any) Concerns –Implementation –Conceptual Related research papers (if any) Projects: Target Timeline
9 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Work on projects: 10/ /8 –Weekly update reports More information on updates will be given Presentations: Last Wed/Fri of class –Present / Demo what is done at this point –25-30 minutes (depends on number of projects) Final write up and Software/Hardware turned in (Fri: 12/17). Projects: Target Timeline
10 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Project Grading Breakdown 50% Final Project Demo 30% Final Project Report –30% of your project report grade will come from your 5-6 project updates. Friday’s midnight 20% Final Project Presentation
11 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Mapping a synthesized circuit to FPGA components Placing components on the FPGA Routing: connecting components Outline
12 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Applications on FPGA: Low-level Implement circuit in VHDL (Verilog) Simulate compiled VHDL Synthesis VHDL into a device independent format Map device independent format to device specific resources –Check that device has enough resources for the design Place resources onto physical device locations Route (connect) resources together –Completely routed –Circuit meets specified performance Download configuration file (bit-steam) to the FPGA
13 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Applications on FPGA: Low-level Implement Simulate Synthesize Map Place Route Download
14 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) (Technology) Map Translate device independent net list to device specific resources
15 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) (Technology) Map Translate device independent net list to device specific resources
16 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) (Technology) Map Translate device independent net list to device specific resources
17 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) (Technology) Map Translate device independent net list to device specific resources
18 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Applications on FPGA: Low-level Implement Simulate Synthesize Map Place Route Download
19 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place Bind each mapped resource to a physical device location –User Guided Layout (Chapter 16:Reconfigurable Computing) –General Purpose (Chapter 14:Reconfigurable Computing) Simulated Annealing Partition-based –Structured Guided (Chapter 15:Reconfigurable Computing) Data Path based Heuristics used –No efficient means for finding an optimal solution
20 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (High-level) Netlist from technology mapping in Ain Bin C LUT D RAM E DFF F DFF G clk out
21 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (High-level) Netlist from technology mapping in Ain Bin C LUT D RAM E DFF F DFF G clk out FPGA physical layout I/O LUT BRAM LUT
22 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (High-level) FPGA physical layout clkin CoutI/O In A In B I/O LUT D E BRAM G F LUT Netlist from technology mapping in Ain Bin C LUT D RAM E DFF F DFF G clk out
23 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place User Guided Layout (Chapter 16:Reconfigurable Computing General Purpose (Chapter 14:Reconfigurable Computing) –Simulated Annealing –Partition-based Structured Guided (Chapter 15:Reconfigurable Computing) –Data Path based
24 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided) User provide information about applications structure to help guide placement –Can help remove critical paths –Can greatly reduce amount of time for routing Several methods to guide placement –Fixed region –Floating region –Exact location –Relative location
25 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples Fixed region LUT D DFF F DFF G Part of Map Netlist FPGA
26 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples Fixed region LUT D DFF F DFF G Part of Map Netlist FPGA SDRAM
27 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples Floating region FPGA Softcore Processor
28 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples LUT D DFF F DFF G Part of Map Netlist FPGA LUT BRAM LUT Exact Location
29 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples Exact Location LUT D DFF F DFF G Part of Map Netlist FPGA LUT BRAM LUT G D F
30 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples LUT D DFF F DFF G Part of Map Netlist FPGA LUT BRAM LUT Relative Location G DF
31 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples LUT D DFF F DFF G Part of Map Netlist FPGA LUT BRAM LUT Relative Location G DF
32 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (User-Guided): Examples LUT D DFF F DFF G Part of Map Netlist FPGA LUT BRAM LUT Relative Location G DF
33 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place User Guided Layout (Chapter 16:Reconfigurable Computing General Purpose (Chapter 14:Reconfigurable Computing) –Simulated Annealing –Partition-based Structured Guided (Chapter 15:Reconfigurable Computing) –Data Path based
34 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Characteristics: –Places resources without any knowledge of high level structure –Guided primarily by local connections between resources Drawback: Does not take explicit advantage of applications structure Advantage: Typically can be used to place any arbitrary circuit
35 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Preprocess Map Netlist using Clustering –Group netlist components that have local conductivity into a single logic block Clustering helps to reduce the number of objects a placement algorithm has to explicitly place.
36 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Placement using simulated annealing –Based on the physical process of annealing used to create metal alloys
37 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Simulated annealing basic algorithm Placement_cur = Inital_Placement; T = Initial_Temperature; While (not exit criteria 1) While (not exit criteria 2) Placement_new = Modify_placement(Placement_cur) 1.∆ Cost = Cost(Placement_new) – Cost(Placement_cur) 2.r = random (0,1); 3.If r < e^(-∆Cost / T), Then Placement_cur = Placement_new End loop T = UpdateTemp(T); End loop
38 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Simulated annealing: Illustration FPGA LUT BRAM A LUT B X Z G DF
39 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Simulated annealing: Illustration FPGA LUT BRAM LUT B A D Z G X F
40 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Simulated annealing: Illustration FPGA LUT BRAM A LUT B X Z G DF
41 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Simulated annealing: Illustration FPGA LUT BRAM LUT A B X Z G DF
42 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (General Purpose) Simulated annealing: Illustration FPGA LUT BRAM LUT A B X Z G DF
43 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place User Guided Layout (Chapter 16:Reconfigurable Computing General Purpose (Chapter 14:Reconfigurable Computing) –Simulated Annealing –Partition-based Structured Guided (Chapter 15:Reconfigurable Computing) –Data Path based
44 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (Structured-based) Leverage structure of the application Algorithms my work well for a give structure, but will likely give unacceptable results for an design with little regular structure.
45 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Structure high-level example
46 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Applications on FPGA: Low-level Implement Simulate Synthesize Map Place Route Download
47 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route Connect placed resources together Two requirements –Design must be completely routed –Routed design meets timing requirements Widely used algorithm “PathFinder” –PathFinder (FPGA’95) McMurchie and Ebeling –Reconfigurable Computing (Chapter 17) Scott Hauch, Andre Dehon (2008)
48 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route: Route FPGA Circuit
49 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder) PathFinder: A Negotiation-Based Performance- Driven Router for FPGAs (FPGA’95) Basic PathFinder algorithm –Based closely on Djikstra’s shortest path Weights are assigned to nodes instead of edges
50 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example G = (V,E) –Vertices V: set of nodes (wires) –Edges E: set of switches used to connect wires –Cost of using a wire: c_n = (b_n + h_n) * p_n S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
51 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example Simple node cost c n = b n –Obstacle avoidance Note order matters S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
52 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = b * p –p: sharing cost (function of number of signals sharing a resource) –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
53 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = (b + h) * p –h: history of previous iteration sharing cost –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
54 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = (b + h) * p –h: history of previous iteration sharing cost –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
55 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = (b + h) * p –h: history of previous iteration sharing cost –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
56 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = (b + h) * p –h: history of previous iteration sharing cost –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
57 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = (b + h) * p –h: history of previous iteration sharing cost –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
58 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = (b + h) * p –h: history of previous iteration sharing cost –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
59 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Route (PathFinder): Example c n = (b + h) * p –h: history of previous iteration sharing cost –Congestion avoidance S1S2S3 D1D2D3 ABC
60 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Applications on FPGA: Low-level Implement Simulate Synthesize Map Place Route Download
61 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Download Convert routed design into a device configuration file (e.g. bitfile for Xilinx devices)
62 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Next Lecture Project presentations
63 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Questions/Comments/Concerns Write down –Main point of lecture –One thing that’s still not quite clear –If everything is clear, then give an example of how to apply something from lecture OR
64 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) Place (Structured-based) Leverage structure of the application –Algorithms my work well for a give structure, but will likely give unacceptable results for an design with little regular structure. GLACE “A Generic Library for Adaptive Computing Environments” (FPL 2001) –Is an example tool that takes the structure of an application into account. FLAME (Flexible API for Module-based Environments) JHDL (From BYU) Gen (From Lockheed-Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories)
65 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) GLACE: High-level
66 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) GLACE: Flow
67 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) GLACE: Library Modules
68 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) GLACE: Data Path and Control Path
69 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) GLACE: FLAME low-level
70 - ECpE 583 (Reconfigurable Computing): Map, Place & route Iowa State University (Ames) GLACE: Final placement example