Attendance is NO small matter: Absences must be excused in order for work to be “made-up”. Skipping will not be tolerated. Excessive absences may result in a failing grade for the class. Ten or more unexcused absences over the course of the school year will result in a passing grade being withheld, subject to the appeals process.
Assignments Students who do not turn in homework and complete ALL assignments, consistently, will most likely not pass the course.
Behavioral Expectations and Grades: Please be sure to go over the syllabus with your child.
Textbooks Pearson Chemistry
Textbooks Earth Science
Computer/Internet Resources Internet access is very important. A printer is very helpful. Four sources of information and assignments: 1.My page on: 2.Schoology: 3.Gizmos: 4.Edmodo;
Contacting Mr. Silverman