Test Review for Microscope and Protista 1. Eukaryotic (has a nucleus) Unicellular/ Multicellular Autotrophic/Heterotrophic 2. Animal-like, Plant-like, and Fungus-like 3. G 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. H 8. A 9. F 10. E
11. Algal blooms that release toxins into the water, this kills fish and affect other marine organisms. Harmful to humans if the humans eat the shell fish during this time (toxins) Dinoflagellates 12. Pump out excess water out of Paramecium, Euglena or Amoeba. 13. Detects light 14. Contains the DNA of Paramecium, used during conjugation. 15. Movement 16. Gives shape to the cell. 17. Help Amoeba move. 18. Photosynthesize – helps Euglena make it own food. 19. Digest food particles here.
20. Beneficial: Used to make cosmetics, food (Algae), Used to make toothpaste, metal polish (Diatoms), Provides oxygen (phytoplankton). Harmful: Can cause disease such as Plasmodium (causes malaria), Amoeba hystolytica (causes dysentery), Trypanosoma causes sleeping sickness. 21. Diaphragm 22. Fine adjustment 23. Eyepiece/Ocular 24. Nosepiece 25. A female Anopheles mosquito transfers the Plasmodium parasite to your bloodstream and then liver when she bites you. From there they enter the red blood cells and reproduce until they burst. 26. It produces oxygen through photosynthesis.