Journal for Week #1 Write down “snippets” of conversations that you overhear in the hallway, at lunch, on the bus… In your journal, start with one piece and imagine the rest of the conversation. OR Piece together two or three pieces of different conversations and let that lead you in a new direction. Experiment with format… A play A story A speech A cartoon A poem Must be more than 1 page in length! Due: Thursday
Journal for Week #2 List all the reasons you can think of for not getting out of bed. What is it about the day that you don’t want to face? Get into your most negative frame of mind to imagine every possible thing that can go wrong in your day. Use this as the basis for this week’s journal. Experiment with format… A play A story A speech A cartoon A poem Must be more than 1 page in length! Due: Thursday
Journal for Week #3 Using your 5 Senses chart, brainstorm details about the landscape in front of you. Picture that you are in that setting. What do you see? Hear? Smell? Feel? Taste? Using the example discussed in class, create a journal entry describing your experience in that setting. This week, you are all using a written format. Your entry must be more than 1 page in length! Due: Thursday
Journal for Week #4 “Becoming” Select ONE of the following objects. Imagine that you have become that object. Complete a 5 Senses Brainstorming Map. What would that object see? Hear? Smell? Feel? Taste? Write a first person account of the changes that you are experiencing. (1 page +) Be a green leaf that turns into a bright orange one. Describe how it feels to be marveled at and admired by people who stand below you. Tell about how your color is enjoyed by your animal friends who rest on the branches above you. Be a fireworks rocket on the 4 th of July. Tell how you lighted the night sky. Tell about your beautiful pattern and your loud noises. Tell about the ooo’s and the ahhh’s and the applause that you heard. Be an icicle that became air. Describe how it feels to be cold and firm and full of beautiful crystals but only to melt and lose your shape. Describe how it feels to be a liquid with the thought of losing your identity to the sun. Be a candle. Tell how you can make shadows larger on a wall. Tell how you make things comfortable and cozy with your flame. Tell how you cause people to reflect happy memories and to feel good by your glow.
Journal for Week #5 Using the Sand Dollar brainstorming from class, write an infomercial for your favorite product idea in your journal. Your infomercial should include the following elements: – Product Name/Slogan – Product Uses – Better Than ? – How to Clean – Testimonials from Satisfied Customers – Cost Effectiveness – Actual Cost – Gift with Purchase – Phone #/Web Address for Ordering – Persuasive Techniques!!! Approximately ¾ page in length Due: Thursday