SAEM and Mentorship in Academic Emergency Medicine Andra L. Blomkalns, M.D. Vice Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Secretary/Treasurer of the SAEM Board of Directors
SAEM Mission To lead the advancement of emergency care through education and research, advocacy, and professional development in academic Emergency Medicine
Residents & Medical Students 1. Academic Emergency Medicine Journal and SAEM Resident Newsletter 2. Annual Meetings - Regional and National 3. Web-based resources - Directories of clerkships, residencies and fellowships - Primers on CV development, scholarly projects, liability, etc. 4. Grants - MS Research, EM Interest Group, Education Fellowship and Medical Toxicology Scholarship 5. Networking, leadership development and mentorship - Membership on interest groups, task forces, committees, academies and BOD
SAEM Interest Groups Academic Informatics Airway Clinical Directors CPR/Ischemia/Reperfusion Disaster Medicine ED Crowding Educational Research EMS Evidence-Based Medicine Health Services and Outcomes Neurologic EM Observation Medicine Palliative Medicine Patient Safety Pediatric EM Public Health Medical Quality Management Research Directors Sports Medicine Toxicology Trauma Uniformed Services Wilderness Medicine
SAEM Academies Administrators in Academic EM Clerkship Directors Diversity and Inclusion Emergency Ultrasound Geriatric EM Global EM Simulation Women in Academic EM
Faculty Researchers and Educators 1. Academic Emergency Medicine Journal and SAEM Newsletter 2. Annual Meetings - Regional and National 3. Special Courses - Grant Writing Workshop, Consensus Conference, Leadership Forum, NIH Roundtables, etc. 4. Web-based resources - Consultation Services - Faculty Development 5. Grants - Education and Research 6. Networking, leadership development and mentorship - Membership on interest groups, task forces, committees, academies and BOD
Faculty Researchers and Educators 1. Academic Emergency Medicine Journal and SAEM Newsletter 2. Annual Meetings - Regional and National 3. Special Courses - Grant Writing Workshop, Consensus Conference, Leadership Forum, NIH Roundtables, etc. 4. Web-based resources - Consultation Services - Faculty Development 5. Grants - Education and Research 6. Networking, leadership development and mentorship - Membership on interest groups, task forces, committees, academies and BOD
Mentorship is a dynamic reciprocal relationship between an advanced person (the mentor) and a junior person (the protégé) aimed at fostering the development of the latter.
Mentorship Mentorship is a dynamic reciprocal relationship between an advanced person (the mentor) and a junior person (the protégé) aimed at fostering the development of the both individuals.
Mentorship I master the skill 2. I do it while you watch 3. We do it together 4. You do it while I watch 5. You master the skill
Why have a Mentor? A Mentor is a… 1. Role Model 2. Teacher 3. Counselor 4. Advocate 5. Facilitator
Why have a Mentor? Mentorship Improves… 1. Self-confidence 2. Coping skills 3. Goal setting 4. Goal attainment 5. Career success 6. Career satisfaction
“True success comes from knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your potential and sowing seeds that benefit others.” - John Maxwell Why be a Mentor?
100 people over 95 years of age were once asked “If you could live your life over, what would you do differently?” Their most common answers were: 1. Reflect more 2. Risk more 3. Do more things that would live on after them Why be a Mentor?
SAEM Mission To lead the advancement of emergency care through education and research, advocacy, and professional development in academic Emergency Medicine