Informative-Explanatory Writing Rubric Terms
Introduction The beginning of a piece of writing that introduces the main idea or topic Lets the reader know what the essay will be about
Body The “meat” of the essay that fully explains the controlling idea Should include much detail about the controlling idea
Conclusion The ending that wraps up the writing and brings it to a close Should restate the controlling idea and main point
Tone/Voice The underlying attitude that is present in written work For example: friendly, formal, light-hearted, serious…
Organization Making the ideas flow in a logical order All of the ideas presented in your essay are connected and you writing moves smoothly from one idea to another
Content The ideas and opinions that are present in written work The information that is used to create a written work
Vivid Having much detail to allow the reader to visualize what is being read Using wording and phrasing that “paints a picture” in the mind of the reader
Precise To be very exact in your writing Using phrasing that aids the reader in understanding Do not be vague (unclear)
Controlling Idea (aka – central idea, main idea) The main idea that the author is trying to get across to the reader What the writing is about
Transitional Devices Statements or wording used to shift to a new point or topic For example: –Shortly after, the government… –Overall, the use of animal testing… –Following his lead, the rest of the school…
Development Writing in a logical order and building up to the controlling idea
Phrasing How a sentence is worded The word choice used to make a point –Shut the door vs. Slammed the door
Awareness of Audience Knowing who your readers will be (teachers, peers, adults, principal, parent, etc…) Using appropriate wording to appeal to the readers
Conventions Make sure your writing has correct: –Spelling –Punctuation –Capitalization –Grammar
Statement of Purpose/Focus States what you are writing about Responds to the topic/writing prompt in its entirety
Elaboration Explaining in detail so that the reader understands what you are trying to say All the facts you state in your essay to support your controlling idea Sometimes, the writer may want to explain the same topic multiple ways to allow the reader to better understand